This is not really news, but good proof of bad conduct

  • NoneOfUrBusiness
    66 months ago

    They’ve been protesting against him because he violated their security and democracy, not because he’s committing genocide. 80% of them (including 88% of Jewish Israelis) are perfectly fine with that part.

    • Zuberi 👀
      56 months ago

      Be careful with the us vs them mentality here.

      They’re not all genocidal war mongers whether we think that or not.

      • NoneOfUrBusiness
        66 months ago

        I mean I’m quoting numbers from two weeks ago. I’d love to think that the number of people who support genocide in Israel is less than that, but you can’t argue with evidence.

        • Zuberi 👀
          26 months ago

          I don’t even want to partially defend Israel here, but can you show me the 88% that have specifically said it’s about security/democracy and not the thousands of deaths?

          Because I highly doubt the poll was “safety or dead children?” and 88% said “dead children” yeah?

          Fuck the IDF, but don’t ALSO spread silly prop

          • NoneOfUrBusiness
            6 months ago

            They don’t need to say it (mostly because nobody is asking that question). Two questions that were asked is “Is the number of deaths in Gaza justified by the war” and “do you think Israel is using adequate or too little force in Gaza”. And apparently 88% of Israeli jews think the answer is yes for the former, and 94% think so for the latter. Similarly, only 27% of Israeli Jews support a two-state solution, while 38% think Israel should annex the West Bank with limited Palestinian rights (admittedly I thought this one would be higher).