“Meat candy” does not sound very enticing, at least not to me.

  • @[email protected]
    116 months ago

    it was the same with a lot of vegetables and fruits too

    This blew my fucking mind. Went to a BIG ASS Don Quixote (for anyone not familiar with Japan: it’s like a Walmart crossed with the dollar store crossed with a shady store run in a tourist trap where there’s 1.5 ft of walking space between crap) and they had a produce section on par with my California Walmart, but EVERYTHING was wrapped in plastic. Individual apples? Individual small bunches (like 5-7) of grapes? Carrots? individually wrapped plastic bags. A few of the items came in larger packs wrapped together, but none were anywhere near a “family size” you’d see here in the US, and even that often feels like too much plastic being used.

    Getting a box of pocky or hello panda also made me feel so goddamn wasteful.

    And I know it’s not Japanese but KINDER is doing this shit with their Joy bars and similar now and it’s not ok

    • @[email protected]
      66 months ago

      For anyone not aware, you’re 100 percent spot on with your description. I went to like 3 of them including the absolutely massive ones and it’s sorta surreal.

      Although they shouldn’t use that much plastic we also gotta keep in kind that they separate ALL of their trash and recycle more or less all of it as well. I stayed at an air bnb and like 90 percent of the plastic we ended up using was recyclable and chucked in the proper bins.