• A Seattle basic income pilot gave low-income residents $500 a month, nearly doubling employment rates.
  • Some participants reported getting new housing, while others saw their employment incomes rise.
  • Basic income pilots nationwide have seen noteworthy success, despite conservative opposition.
    • wizzwizz4
      19 months ago

      @OrionKidder @theotherverion Yeah.

      The left-wingers who are so extreme that they doubt every right-wing policy that’s not been demonstrated to work, have a lot of common cause with their counterparts.

      We shouldn’t tie ourselves up in the left / right distinction. It’s useful when discussing policy, not people.

      If we want more useful categories to lump people into, I propose “reality-denying ideologues, bigots, and the selfish”, “humble, obsessive truth-seekers”, and “normal people”.