Have this place that feels like it should 100 percent giving he. Whatsapp to book, notify them when I arrive, they unlock door, very very little draping, as close to the junk as they can get without touching. I give them all the signs I am enjoying and would like more, but I get nothing. What am I missing?

    • throwawayaug
      11 months ago

      That is definitely a possibility given that OP has been there three times with no action.

      I’m a newb to this but with the little experience I have, it seems like it is obvious when a place does offer additional services. Hours going past 8pm, generic name, a door bell and/or mantrap before going in, cash only, these things all seem like obvious signs. I’ve been to 5 different massage parlors in my life, four of them being AMPs, and three of those offered additional services. And one of them I’m sure I could have gotten additional services from if I was interested but the MT was just not my cup of tea so I didn’t even try.

      It feels like there was something here that just made the MT hesitant to offer anything else.

      But also in my limited experience there are so many options that if you are in a medium sized city at least in the US, you can find a place that does offer services. So there is no reason to worry about one that isn’t giving you what you want. I’ve gone from being nervous about it to mostly not worrying. The two places that didn’t give me what I want still at least give good massages so I still got something out of it. Hopefully OP finds what he is looking for.

    • phishstixOP
      11 months ago

      I am thinking you are probably right, just weird they do everything to appear that they do.