The Times in a statement called it “troubling” that Biden “has so actively and effectively avoided questions from independent journalists during his term.”

  • @[email protected]
    72 months ago

    As well they fucking should - there are some absolutely idiotic political consultants trying to minimize his public appearances so he doesn’t look old and they’re fucking idiots. Now, he had a much bigger issue in being a Netanyahu apologist but public appearances driver voter turnout.

    • @natural_motions
      52 months ago

      I mean, when he does come out it’s often to do stupid shit like condemn and talk down to student protestors.

      I think his team sees that his own policies have put him in a position where he’s damned if he does damned if he doesn’t.

      Personally I hate hearing him talk about anything, it always sounds like pure bullshit. I’d rather he just do whatever stupid shit he’s going to do without the pretense that hes somehow doing it for the American people or the acting like we should applaude him for throwing crumbs of genuinely good policy to his base.

    • Doc Avid Mornington
      2 months ago

      I dunno why people are downvoting this. You’re absolutely right. Biden doesn’t give as good speech as Obama or Clinton did, but he is pretty charming when he turns it on. He should definitely be in front of cameras, and crowds, more often, especially as we get closer to the election. He’s not perfect, and his tepid stance toward Palestine is saddening, but on domestic policy, he’s been far better as president than I personally expected - probably the most progressive president since LBJ. He’s done more with less political capital than past Democratic presidents, yet a lot of people don’t really realize that, because he’s not talking directly to the populace as much as he could and, I think, really should.

      • @[email protected]
        42 months ago

        I dunno why people are downvoting this.

        Because many people in this community can’t take any criticism of Biden, even if it’s done by people who want him to be better and win the election. It’s sad and counterproductive

    • gregorum
      2 months ago

      I didn’t know the New York Times was required to break the Earth shattering news that Biden is old. Or that Trump is a traitorous, rapist, conman. Or that water makes things wet.

      Newspapers typically focus on the news, not on things everyone already knows.