Just putting this up to contrast with this post and because Eli Valley is a great political cartoonist.

  • Frog-Brawler
    310 months ago

    In my state, we’re not even having a primary. Again, tell me more about how to do the electoral math.

    And I repeat the question you side-stepped; logically, how would one discourage Democrats ftom supporting genocide? Remember now, I’m not talking about Republicans, I know that they’re difficult to distinguish these days but I’m asking about Democrats. How, logically, does one stop Democrats from funding genocide and accepting AIPAC money?

    Show up to the meetings in your county. Get the phone numbers of the local party leaders that you can actually speak with. Engage with them. Tell them what they need to support. I’m tired of being the youngest person in the room as a 40 year old, it doesn’t bode well. All politics is local.

      • Frog-Brawler
        510 months ago

        Wow… ok…

        1.) I did not say to contact your representatives. I said to get in touch with your local party leaders. That means the people running the either weekly or monthly meetings that happen in your county. Depending on where you live, that might be your neighbor, or it might be someone down the street, but either way; it’s going to be someone that you have a possible chance of encountering at a store in your area.

        2.) Based on how you responded, I can infer that you haven’t tried contacting your representatives either. So tell me again… what have you tried other than just doing nothing?

          • Frog-Brawler
            410 months ago

            You bring your friends out, and get yourselves voted in to replace them.

              • Frog-Brawler
                510 months ago

                Perhaps… but you also have to realize the timeline involved in such an endeavor. In the meantime, you have a two party system. Vote for the better option.

                  • Frog-Brawler
                    310 months ago

                    Are you daft or just trolling?

                    What does “alluding to Republicans” even mean? I need an explanation of that statement because I can’t process that.

                    I told you exactly what to do. If you missed it, scroll back up. It doesn’t mean change is going to happen next week. It takes time and you’ve literally done nothing other than asking a bunch of questions and schilling for the right. Ask all the questions you want, and I’ll answer them but you need to get off your ass and go be politically active within your community.

                    If you’d like me to figure out how to do this for you, let me know your county and state, and I’ll be happy to get you pointed in the right direction.