• @[email protected]
    272 months ago

    The lesser of two evils argument only works if at some point you eventually give the people voting someone to vote for who is not evil. When you are forced to vote for evil after a while you lose hope and say screw this I’m not voting at all.

    • @[email protected]
      732 months ago

      I’ll take deeply flawed democracy over fascist autocracy every day of the week, thanks.

    • @[email protected]
      222 months ago

      The establishment is not going to give up, they must be beaten at their own game. Perseverance is key. If you give up, you give up on your cause and accept whatever the establishment wishes.

      Do what you want, but I will persevere, and I will vote for my interests.

    • @[email protected]
      52 months ago

      People don’t seem to realize that every time they downvote an opinion like this, they’re just further alienating the left.

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        Yeah and downvoting a racist will just alienate them and push them further right, and yet we still downvote.

        While occasionally someone might realize that they are in the wrong, the value of condemnation is in signaling to the community that such views are not tolerated.

    • snownyte
      2 months ago

      That argument is also best brought out when it’s obvious that we have a clear choice of what’s best for the country.

      2004? Bush vs Kerry. The lesser evil was Kerry.

      2008? Obama vs McCain? The lesser evil was Obama.

      2012? Obama vs Romney? The lesser evil was Obama.

      2016? Trump vs Clinton. There wasn’t any lesser evil.

      2020? Trump vs Biden. Biden at the time was lesser evil.

      2024? Trump vs Biden again. There isn’t any lesser evil, only difference is who’s gonna do less damage.