• MudMan
    1055 months ago

    Right? It’s kinda nuts how much this quixotic prepper-style power fantasy permeates some parts of the Internet. Hell, even that strip is conceding the basic point that there will be a cabal of evil people digging for all their super-important secret files at some point.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Kinda makes you wonder what’s on their drive that they’re so concerned about being uncovered. I’m all for privacy as a right, but people don’t usually go balls to the wall on their computer security just to protect cat memes or tax documents. People won’t even assume just regular porn stuff. People will assume terrorist plots or sex crimes or stolen classified stuff. Idk, if my NSA agent cares enough to break basic security just to find out my porn search history, then I’m just thinking that that’s wasted tax dollars. I’m not that interesting.

      Edit: I’m not saying don’t do simple encryption, I’m saying that putting up ten barriers and having paid services and using multiple vpns has drawbacks of cost and performance, so what are the odds that somebody would go to all the trouble for data that nobody would care about. If you saw a giant vault in somebody’s basement, you would assume there’s something interesting in there.

      • @[email protected]
        425 months ago

        Kinda makes you wonder what’s in their bedroom they’re so concerned about being uncovered. I’m all for privacy as a right,but people don’t usually go balls to the wall on their bedroom privacy just to not be seen changing. People wont even assume just regular sex stuff. People will assume terrorist plots or a murder dungeon or your mom.

        Privacy is privacy is privacy. There’s no need to justify it. Desiring it isn’t an indicator of any wrongdoing. The second you are okay with literally every aspect of your existence being completely public, and I mean all of it, is the second your statement holds any ground.

        • @[email protected]
          95 months ago

          I get your example, and agree with the premise that “if you have nothing to hide…” is never a good argument, but if someone had security cameras surrounding/within their house, and 4 different locks on their bedroom door, and then a high quality safe in the bedroom, I would absolutely think there’s something more than sex toys in there. That’s still never a valid basis to search their stuff, but if there was nothing significant in there, that would feel odd.

          • @[email protected]
            175 months ago

            I completely disagree. It may feel excessive, but my only thought would be “there’s someone who cares about privacy.” We only assume this stuff is weird because we’ve indirectly encouraged only weirdos to do these things. If we instead normalize it as just part of home security, like locking your doors, then it’s just another thing careful people do.

        • @[email protected]
          35 months ago

          Great point and I agree. That’s why my door is locked, but not locked with 8 deadbolts, a security camera, and booby traps.

      • Semperverus
        5 months ago

        I explicitly go balls to the wall to protect my tax documents and cat memes, for a couple of reasons:

        1. I am very passionate about the concept of “You shouldn’t have to have anything to hide to deserve the right to privacy.”

        2. People should’t “poop with the door open” (to use a metaphor), so I keep my door shut.

        3. Opinions and ideals can get people hurt if made public, and I want to protect both mine and those of the people i talk to (even if i don’t agree with them).

        4. If everyone took their security and privacy this seriously, nobody would have to worry about some nonce assuming they were committing crimes just because they were protecting their right to privacy. I’m being just one more drop in the bucket.

      • @[email protected]
        275 months ago

        Climate activists are currently prosecuted as domestic terrorists in the US.

        Encryption is there for protection against the state (who can’t easily drug you and beat you up for giving out a password).

      • @[email protected]
        175 months ago

        Your false assumption is that basic security isn’t broken constantly and automatically for them to just browse the results of on a whim.

      • AWildMimicAppears
        145 months ago

        The issue is that you don’t have any say in what it is to be concerned about being uncovered. Regimes change, and so do the things that are dangerous to uncover. Today it might be ok showing support for LGBTIA+ rights where you live, but that might change at a votes/coups notice. Damn, supporting trans rights might get you in physical altercations in some areas in the US if you are found out, or might make it impossible to land a job.

        The Nazis used data that was accumulated by prior administrations to choose their victims.

      • @[email protected]
        105 months ago

        if my NSA agent cares enough to break basic security just to find out my porn search history,

        Police have regularly used their inappropriate levels of access to stalk and harass women they like. You may not be interesting to the government, but you could easily be interesting to a malicious actor who works for the government.

      • @[email protected]
        105 months ago

        Everything I use is encrypted as hell. What do I have inside? To be honest nothing. Just your usual stuff. But why the heck should I let someone to get into my fucking harddrive? No, let’s make it as difficult as possible for those assholes.

        Having said that, I’m stuck multiple times by my own encryption. Lost the keys, etc. And in case something happens to me, no one can access my legacy or docs. That’s my only doubts. Moreover, I’m aware that it only protects my data at rest, while the PC is on, there are probably a zillion zero-days I’m not aware of.

      • Hanrahan
        25 months ago

        Sure but if they’re looking it’s like them peeking through the window while you’re having sex. Will you get jailed for havingnsex, no (unless it’s gay sex and you’re in Russia, then yes) , but it still makes people feel uncomfortable. Or if they find correspondence between you and your gf organizing an abortion and you’re in Texas and they “pass it on”, or any number or things.