Almost all instances don’t wants nsfw on their site. So I opened this site to fill the pussy. I mean gap.

Activate NSFW for your account

To see NSFW content, you should activate “Show NSFW content” checkbox at your account settings.

Should we change the domain?

Some guy said the domain is very obvious. He may be right. What do you think about it? Poll link. If yes, any recommendations?

Edit: It seems like most people don’t care about domain. So I’m not changing it. Maybe in the future if Lemmy let us, we can mirror the instance on other domain.


community list

  • @ZhaitanK
    22 years ago

    NSFW isn’t exclusive to sex.

    The current rules don’t exclude hardcore gore like /r/darwinawards, etc.

    If this current instance is aimed towards porn it should have been mentioned in detail. Currently, I expect gore communities to move over here, including ones with footage from the current Ukraine war like /r/combatfootage or /r/ukrainewarvideoreport.

    • @yayMA
      2 years ago

      Yeah you are right. I’ll open a poll about it. If the vast majority don’t want gore, I’ll edit the rules accordingly. See