A conservative plan forĀ Donald Trumpā€™sĀ potential transition into the presidency calls for dozens of prisoners to be executed, according to HuffPost. An 887-page plan by Project 2025, led by the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation, says that if elected, Trump should make a concerted effort to execute the remaining 40 prisoners on death row. The sectionā€™s author, attorney Gene Hamilton, advised that Trump ā€œdo everything possible to obtain finalityā€ on the current list of people until Congress forces them to stop. Hamilton is the vice president ofĀ America Legal First, a group of former Trump lawyers bent on attacking ā€œwokeā€ companies, headed by Stephen Miller. Trumpā€™s approach to theĀ death penaltyĀ stands in stark contrast to that of PresidentĀ Joe Biden, who has openly opposed theĀ death penalty, but doneĀ littleĀ to move forward legislation to reform or abolish the practice since entering office.

For those of you not in the know Project 2025 is Republicans plan to turn the USA into an authoritarian state.

  • gregorum
    2 months ago

    do you have any response to what Iā€™m arguing besides various iterations ofĀ ā€œNuh Uh!ā€

    You mean the exact thing youā€™ve said for your last 2 replies?

    Once again, blaming others for the exact thing you are doing, lmao. So predictableā€¦

    If you donā€™t like that your bs isnā€™t tolerated here, then leave. Continuing to throw tantrums wonā€™t get you any sympathy.

    • @[email protected]
      3ā€¢2 months ago

      Weā€™re both doing now. Thatā€™s how this tango works.

      I pointed out Democrats are not particularly strategic or serious when it comes to wielding both the legislature and the presidency, you didnā€™t have a response to that, here we are

      • gregorum
        5ā€¢2 months ago

        Once again, blaming others for your actions. Thatā€™s not going to work here because weā€™re not the idiots you think we are.

        If you donā€™t like that your bs isnā€™t accepted here, leave. Continuing to throw tantrums about it wonā€™t gain you any sympathy.

        • @[email protected]
          2ā€¢2 months ago

          Really, though, do you think Biden has the political willpower to pull enough swing states? People tend to vote how they feel; keep the incumbent if theyā€™re happy, kick 'em out if theyā€™re not.

          The conservatives seem to think they have this one in the bag, theyā€™re already outlining their policy plans, as this article highlights.

          • gregorum
            2 months ago

            You already let the mask slip, troll. Do you think we all have amnesia and forgot, or are you just an AI bot, so youā€™ve slipped back into the act?

            This sounds like a script, lol

            • @[email protected]
              2 months ago

              Well, I admit Iā€™m enjoying this on several levels. On the one hand, itā€™s funny to collect downvotes. Half the time, it works like a little ticker that says, ā€œSomeone has acknowledged what you said, but doesnā€™t have the time or capacity to replyā€

              On the other hand, I do genuinely enjoy talking about politics. Iā€™ve been following US elections since I was in middle school. I like to remind people to think about more than this narrow view of this specific election; the reporting and posting and commenting all tends to have such a very short-term memory for these things.

              • gregorum
                2 months ago

                So, youā€™ve admitted to both trolling and wonton narcissismā€” of course you still believe youā€™ve accomplished something here.

                Acting like a child throwing a tantrum with an overinflated sense of self-importance. And youā€™re proud of that, lol. Do you also have your mommy congratulate you on your poops? Lol

                • @[email protected]
                  2ā€¢2 months ago

                  im just typing

                  but sure, iā€™ll cop to those labels, if you like. One Trolling, Nacissistic screed, mon sieur;

                  Letā€™s talk about the Obama administration! What a campaign they ran, and what a voter mandate it got them to boot! Can you imagine if they actually used that mandate? If Obama had actually closed Gitmo and pulled out of Afghanistan, like he had said he would. The lives that would have been saved, the blood unspilled; itā€™s beyond calculable.

                  And what was his legislative achievement, for all that mandate could have done? He passed the Affordable Healthcare Act. A bill modeled on proposals made by the Heritage Foundation. The very same Heritage Foundation thatā€™s giving us Project 2025. Imagine that.

                  • gregorum
                    2 months ago

                    Hereā€™s another: deflection. Once again, you attack others rather than face the consequences of your actions.

                    So predictable.

                    Are you just copy and pasting from a script or from ChatGPT?