• @[email protected]
    510 months ago

    Prisoners taken in a warzone under suspicion. Administrative detention. Call it however.

    Here you go, something fun to learn: https://www.btselem.org/administrative_detention

    Again, nothing to do with war, NOT prisoners of war. Hostages by another name. How did you not know about this?

    They are actual war criminals for all intents and purposes, and in all pursuits. War crimes are never punished in Gaza Israel, often rewarded, always revered.

    Also true this way around. Israel has been committing war crimes for 7 months straight now.

    • @[email protected]
      310 months ago

      Israel has been committing war crimes for 7 months straight now.

      Why only 7 months and not more? Did something change Israel’s intentions to spend more time on commiting war crimes?

      I could say hamas has been commiting war crimes for years now. Would that be wrong?

      • @[email protected]
        410 months ago

        Why only 7 months and not more? Did something change Israel’s intentions to spend more time on commiting war crimes?

        Yeah I mean we can keep going back if you like, but I was just talking about the current war, obviously.

        I could say hamas has been commiting war crimes for years now. Would that be wrong?

        It would be totally right. Why stop there? They have not allowed a free and fair election since they were voted in. They are tyrants.

    • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
      10 months ago

      Go read the ICJ preliminary order and the express finding that Israel does prosecute war criminals. And guess what? It’s true. The Qatari state/ pro-Trump/pro-Russia media diet you are gorging yourself on does not cover it at all.

      Hamas are war criminals…in all pursuits.

      No, that’s not also true about Israel. You are looking at a small isolated thing, which I think you are portraying unfairly and incompletely, but fine we can disagree.

      But Israel has a legitimate government that has stabily for decades provided essential services to tens of millions of people.

      Glad you agree Hamas must go.

      What’s your plan to make that happen? How would you destroy the tunnels?

      You’d do the best you could. That means ordinance and coordinated evacuations and warnings, knowing that the civilian population is going to follow Hamas around up above like one of those artic foxes stalking a tundra shrew below the snow, so they can win Martyrdom™ prizes, paid in rial, no doubt. Such disregard for their own side’s civilians is unprecedented in warfare. International law is based on precedent.

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        Sorry did you just totally ignore the administrative detention thing? We can talk about this stuff afterwards. Do you see how these people are hostages?

        • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
          110 months ago

          No not at all. Hostages? Of who? No one wants to trade anyone for anything, except Hamas.

          I see how there exists in Gaza a pervasive, deranged culture of support for terrorism and willing “martyrdom,” a wilfull disregard for life or law, material support of which justifies administrative detention. Easily. Do you not?

          • @[email protected]
            310 months ago

            This is what “administrative detention” means: https://www.btselem.org/administrative_detention

            I shared this link with you a couple of messages back. Do you agree that being imprisoned indefinitely, not during an explicit time of war (ie it has happened for many many years now, these are not prisoners of war) and with NO CHARGE is equivalent to being a hostage?

            • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
              10 months ago

              I’ve seen the link spammed again and again. You should read it so you can appreciate that you’re talking about a few hundred to a few thousand people.

              Boo hoo. How many millions of Gazans have to live and die under Hamas with zero hope for peace or human rights?

              • @[email protected]
                210 months ago

                I’ve seen the link spammed again and again. You should read it so you can appreciate that you’re talking about a few hundred to a few thousand people.

                So more hostages than Hamas is holding?

                • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
                  110 months ago

                  Nobody is trading them for anything stop calling them hostages. Call them detainees. As usual the claim you’ve made against Israel is wildly exaggerated.

                  They couldn’t play nice in the neighborhood without helping trying to blow anything up so they don’t get to play outside with their friends.

                  My highschool had more students than Israel has administrative detainees. For some years, my middle school even had more. Seems about right. Hamas is (was) 20,000~ strong, obviously they enjoy massive public support and aid.

                  There’s more important considerations than 3,600 detainees. Most of them are very temporary, based on levels of suspicion and probable cause, on emerging intelligence and progressing investigation. Do you really think most of them aren’t accomplices or coconspirators? Some of them are going to be hopeless cases who will probably never see the sun again. Oh no, how will I sleep at night?! Easily and restfully. What keeps me up is the thought that so many of my compatriots in the West have been force fed these wild exaggerations, day in, day out, since day one, and that because the news got too sad for too many, the world will sit back and let Iran park a proxy state owned by terrorists right on Israel’s border. Not going to happen though, so, zzzzz.

                  • @[email protected]
                    310 months ago

                    Nobody is trading them for anything stop calling them hostages. Call them detainees. As usual the claim you’ve made against Israel is wildly exaggerated.

                    We can break down the terminology issue.

                    We have people who are not charged with any crime (ie innocent), who are taken against their will and held in captivity until their captor either decides to let them go or somebody breaks them out.

                    We could call it anything we want. “Innocent people held by someone/an organisation against their will.” Both the Israelis taken on October 7th and the Palestinians held without charge are “Innocent people held by someone/an organisation against their will.” The same thing has happened to them.

                    So do we call them all hostages or all detainees?

                    They couldn’t play nice in the neighborhood without helping trying to blow anything up so they don’t get to play outside with their friends.

                    You’re a lawyer, right? Is this a fair description of someone who is not charged with a crime?