PresidentĀ Joe Biden on Saturday calledĀ Donald Trump ā€œclearly unhingedā€ and claimed that ā€œsomething snappedā€ in the former president after he lost the 2020 election.

ā€œItā€™s clear that ā€¦ when he lost in 2020, something snapped in him,ā€ Biden told supporters in Seattle at a private fundraiser Saturday, according to reporters in the room.Ā ā€œHeā€™s not only obsessed with losing in 2020, heā€™s clearly unhinged. Just listen to what heā€™s telling people.ā€

Even though Biden thinks the presumptive GOP presidential nominee is ā€œunhinged,ā€ he said he believes the November election will be ā€œclose.ā€

ā€œWe feel good about the state of the race, but we know the race is close,ā€ Biden said, pointing to recent polls.

  • Bone
    15ā€¢2 months ago

    I donā€™t know how big an impact celebrity is, but if you watch almost any media from the 80s or 90s youā€™ll eventually come across a DT reference, either the man himself or something about him, and itā€™s usually fawning. Like I said, I donā€™t know how much a thing like that is representative of how people actually thought/think about him, but it feels like it helped.

    • @[email protected]
      26ā€¢2 months ago

      Yeah outside of NYC the media slobbed his knob constantly. The motherfucker makes a cameo in Home Alone 2 like itā€™s some incredible once-in-a-lifetime experience to run into him. But if you search for articles, thereā€™s negative stuff about him - just most people write that off as like ā€œactivist journalismā€ or whatever

      Itā€™s America, everyone worships the rich people

      • @[email protected]
        2ā€¢2 months ago

        Of course, when Iā€™m rich everyone should worship me ti because I do all the rich people stuff.

        Soon enough Iā€™ll work my way up to CEO and catch my big break. Then all those people in high-school that I never interacted with will be like oh no I shouldnā€™t have not cared or something.

    • @[email protected]
      2ā€¢2 months ago

      The media did indeed hype him up for many years, but at least some of us saw past that and realized that he wasnā€™t all he was cracked up to be.