I just got my home server up and running and was wondering what you guys recommend for backups. I figure it will probably be worth having backups on cloud servers tjay are external, are there any good services yall use for that?

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I use Restic + Resticprofile to back up everything and store it on my local HDD.

    Then, I use Rclone to sync the local repository to Backblaze B2.

    Here’s my general setup:

    ├── logs
    │   ├── statuses
    │   │   ├── restic-status-20230202T020202.json
    │   │   └── restic-status-20230101T010101.json
    │   ├── restic-check-20230202T020202.log
    │   └── restic-backup-20230101T010101.log
    ├── config
    │   ├── profiles.yaml
    │   ├── excludes.txt
    │   ├── rclone.conf
    │   └── password.txt
    ├── bin
    │   ├── restic_0.15.2_linux_arm64
    │   ├── rclone_1.63.1_linux_arm64
    │   └── resticprofile_0.22.0_linux_arm64
    version: "1"
    # Schedules (https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.time.html#Calendar%20Events)
    {{ $SCHEDULE_RESTIC_BACKUP := "*-*-* 22:00:00" }}       # Daily at 10PM
    {{ $SCHEDULE_RESTIC_CHECK := "Sat *-*-* 04:00:00" }}    # Weekly at 4AM on Saturday
    {{ $SCHEDULE_SYNC_BACKUP := "Sun *-*-* 21:30:00" }}     # Weekly at 11.30PM on Sunday
    {{ $SCHEDULE_POSTGRES_BACKUP := "Fri *-*-* 20:00:00" }} # Weekly at 8PM on Friday
    # Directories
    {{ $LOCATION_RESTIC_BINARY := "/home/deck/Desktop/.config/restic/bin/restic_0.15.2_linux_arm64" }}
    {{ $LOCATION_RESTIC_REPO := "/home/deck/Desktop/restic-repo" }}
    {{ $LOCATION_RESTIC_LOG := "/home/deck/Desktop/.config/restic/logs" }}
    {{ $LOCATION_RESTIC_STATUS := "/home/deck/Desktop/.config/restic/logs/statuses" }}
    {{ $LOCATION_RESTIC_BLOCKED_FILE := "/home/deck/Desktop/.config/restic/BLOCKED" }}
    {{ $LOCATION_RCLONE_BINARY := "/home/deck/Desktop/.config/restic/bin/rclone_1.63.1_linux_arm64" }}
    {{ $LOCATION_RCLONE_REPO := "bucket:restic-backup-12345" }}
    {{ $LOCATION_RCLONE_CONFIG := "/home/deck/Desktop/.config/restic/config/rclone.conf" }}
    {{ $LOCATION_RESTICPROFILE_LOCK := "/tmp/resticprofile-default.lock" }}
    {{ $LOCATION_POSTGRES_DUMP := "/home/deck/Desktop/dumps" }}
    {{ $LOCATION_PRIMARY_BACKUP_SOURCE := "/home/deck/Desktop/" }}
    # Configs
    {{ $CONFIG_CURRENT_TIME := .Now.Format "20060102T150405" }}
    {{ $CONFIG_RESTIC_PASSWORD := "/home/deck/Desktop/.config/restic/config/password.txt" }}
    {{ $CONFIG_RESTIC_EXCLUDE := "/home/deck/Desktop/.config/restic/excludes.txt" }}
      default-command: snapshots                      # Run 'snapshots' when no command is specified
      initialize: false                               # Do not initialize a repository if none exists
      priority: low                                   # Use priority class on Windows and "nice" on Unixes
      min-memory: 100                                 # Minimum required RAM for Resticprofile to start
      restic-lock-retry-after: 5m                     # Retry failed restic command acquisition every 5 minutes
      restic-stale-lock-age: 10h                      # Unlock stale lock if age exceeds 10 hours
      restic-binary: '{{ $LOCATION_RESTIC_BINARY }}'  # Location of the Restic binary
      lock: '{{ $LOCATION_RESTICPROFILE_LOCK }}'      # Local lockfile to prevent concurrent profile runs
      force-inactive-lock: true                       # Detect and remove stale locks
      initialize: true                                # Initialize repository if it doesn't exist
      repository: '{{ $LOCATION_RESTIC_REPO }}'       # Path to Restic repository
      password-file: '{{ $CONFIG_RESTIC_PASSWORD }}'  # File containing repository password
      status-file: '{{ $LOCATION_RESTIC_STATUS }}/{{ $CONFIG_CURRENT_TIME }}-restic-status.json'  # Output status file
      compression: 'max'                              # Maximum compression level
      run-after-fail:                                 # Block syncing if there was a failure. TODO: Add an email
        - 'echo "The command ${PROFILE_COMMAND} has failed in ${PROFILE_NAME}. Please check the logs." > {{ $LOCATION_RESTIC_BLOCKED_FILE }}'
        run-before:                                   # Bring down Docker before backup
          - 'systemctl stop docker.socket'
          - 'systemctl stop docker'
          - 'grep --invert-match -E "^unchanged|\(0 B added, 0 B stored\)|\(0 B added\)" {{ tempFile "backup.log" }} > {{ $LOCATION_RESTIC_LOG }}/{{ $CONFIG_CURRENT_TIME }}-restic-backup.log'  # Copy log file, stripping out any unchanced files
          - 'systemctl start docker'                  # Bring Docker back online after backup
        one-file-system: false                        # Exclude other file systems
        no-error-on-warning: true                     # Don't consider warnings as backup failures
        source:                                       # Directories to back up
        exclude-file: '{{ $CONFIG_RESTIC_EXCLUDE }}'  # File containing exclude patterns
        exclude-caches: true                          # Exclude cache files
        schedule: '{{ $SCHEDULE_RESTIC_BACKUP }}'     # Backup schedule
        schedule-permission: system                   # Schedule permission
        schedule-lock-wait: 10m                       # Wait time for the lock during schedule
        schedule-log: '{{ tempFile "backup.log" }}'   # Log file to /tmp. This contains all information, including unchanged files which we do not care about
        verbose: 2                                    # Log details about processed files
        schedule: '{{ $SCHEDULE_RESTIC_CHECK }}'      # Verification schedule
        schedule-permission: system                   # Schedule permission
        schedule-lock-wait: 10m                       # Wait time for the lock during schedule
        schedule-log: '{{ $LOCATION_RESTIC_LOG }}/{{ $CONFIG_CURRENT_TIME }}-restic-check.log'  # Log file
        read-data: true                               # Verify data during check
        dry-run: true                                 # Only prune if safe to do so, change manually
        repack-uncompressed: true                     # Repack all uncompressed data
        dry-run: true                                 # Only forget if safe to do so, change manually
        dry-run: true                                 # Only rewrite if safe to do so, change manually
        forget: true                                  # Remove original snapshots after creating new ones
        exclude-file: '{{ $CONFIG_RESTIC_EXCLUDE }}'  # File containing exclude patterns
        allow-other: true                             # Allow other users to access the mount point
        read-all-packs: true                          # Read all pack files to generate new index from scratch
    # The following shell profiles are simply to run other shell scripts at a scheduled time
    # We do not actually run the primary Restic commands listed, as we exit the process early
    shell-postgres:                                   # Profile to run shell scripts only. We exit the current process before Restic can run.
        schedule: '{{ $SCHEDULE_POSTGRES_BACKUP }}'   # Postgres backup schedule
        schedule-permission: system                   # Schedule permission
        schedule-lock-mode: ignore                    # Ignore locks, if any
        schedule-log: '{{ $LOCATION_RESTIC_LOG }}/{{ $CONFIG_CURRENT_TIME }}-postgres-backup.log'  # Log file
        dry-run: true                                 # Don't write data
        run-before:                                   # Dump postgres databases
          - 'chmod 777 /var/run/docker.sock'
          - 'docker exec -t immich-postgres pg_dumpall -c -U postgres | gzip > "{{ $LOCATION_POSTGRES_DUMP }}/immich-dump-{{ $CONFIG_CURRENT_TIME }}.sql.gz" && echo "Dumped Immich database: {{ $LOCATION_POSTGRES_DUMP }}/immich-dump-{{ $CONFIG_CURRENT_TIME }}.sql.gz"'
          - 'docker exec -t joplin-postgres pg_dumpall -c -U joplin | gzip > "{{ $LOCATION_POSTGRES_DUMP }}/joplin-dump-{{ $CONFIG_CURRENT_TIME }}.sql.gz" && echo "Dumped Joplin database: {{ $LOCATION_POSTGRES_DUMP }}/joplin-dump-{{ $CONFIG_CURRENT_TIME }}.sql.gz"'
          - 'kill $$'
        schedule: '{{ $SCHEDULE_SYNC_BACKUP }}'       # Sync backup schedule
        schedule-permission: system                   # Schedule permission
        schedule-lock-mode: ignore                    # Ignore locks, if any
        schedule-log: '{{ $LOCATION_RESTIC_LOG }}/{{ $CONFIG_CURRENT_TIME }}-rsync-backup.log'  # Log file
        dry-run: true                                 # Don't write data
        run-before:                                   # Sync the Restic repo, after checking if the repository is in good health
          - 'if [ -f "{{ $LOCATION_RESTIC_BLOCKED_FILE }}" ]; then echo "There has been a problem with the Restic repository, please check the logs. If everything is okay, delete the BLOCKED file." && kill $$; fi'
          - '{{ $LOCATION_RCLONE_BINARY }} -v sync {{ $LOCATION_RESTIC_REPO }} {{ $LOCATION_RCLONE_REPO }} --config={{ $LOCATION_RCLONE_CONFIG }} --b2-hard-delete'
          - '{{ $LOCATION_RCLONE_BINARY }} cleanup {{ $LOCATION_RESTIC_REPO }} --config={{ $LOCATION_RCLONE_CONFIG }}'
          - 'kill $$'

    Resticprofile doesn’t let me run other shell commands on a schedule, and because I wanted everything in a single configuration, I just created two new profiles which call the backup command. I then made the shell commands run before Restic, and then finally killed the instance before it got to actually run, which effectively does what I needed.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      It’s the first time I hear about resticprofile and it looks nice. So far I’ve been using crestic for configuration files. Do you know how they compare?

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        It seems like they have the same objectives - allow for easier configuration of Restic. I’ve never heard of Crestic until now. I’d say stick with what you’re comfortable with