
At various times, most social media platforms have received criticism for alleged failure to prevent distribution of copyright-infringing content. Few, however, have been threatened with widespread blocking more often than Telegram. In a row that seemed ready to boil over last year, Telegram was given an ultimatum by the Malaysian government; come to the negotiating table or face the consequences. A Malaysian minister now says that Telegram is ready to fight piracy.

    • @[email protected]
      86 months ago

      Sure, but what you’re describing isn’t freedom of speech; freedom of speech is the prohibition against the government taking action for the contents of the opinions you express. It has nothing to do with what a non-government platform allows or disallows.

      A platform that allows Nazis is a Nazi platform, plain and simple.

      I realize you’re probably a dishonest pos, so this is for the benefit of whoever else reads it.