• @[email protected]
    62 months ago

    I’m punching left. The left has been infected with tankies and agitators. We need their votes but those votes won’t happen until we exorcise the Russians and useful idiots. Compromise doesn’t work, they hate compromise. Complete and total capitulation doesn’t work either because they’re fundamentally being run by people who are interested only in harming America. We need to call out and shame this insanity so we can make the reasonable ones wake up and smell the propaganda.

    It’s working, but we might have been too late.

    • @[email protected]
      91 month ago

      And posts like this is why I say that Biden liberals are no different than MAGA fascists, fundamentally.

      • @[email protected]
        21 month ago

        The fascists want to literally kill you (and me). I just want to shame you into doing the right thing and kicking out the Russians in your midst. If you think that’s equal, boy have I got a work camp for you.