• mozz
      5 months ago

      Oh, and since I missed it: So Biden didn’t say anything about how many anti genocide sentiment was on Tiktok, actually it was Blinken, oh wait, he didn’t say that at all, he said “You have a social media ecosystem environment in which context, history, facts get lost, and the emotion—the impact of images—dominates.” I would 100% agree with that. That’s of the problems in my experience with talking with people who get their picture of the world from TikTok. There are other anti-establishment news sources which lend themselves a lot better to depth of understanding in addition to, yes, seeing the imagery and emotion which for something like Gaza is an important part to include.

      Then, Romney said, “Some wonder why there was such overwhelming support for us to shut down potentially TikTok or other entities of that nature. If you look at the postings on TikTok and the number of mentions of Palestinians relative to other social media sites—it’s overwhelmingly so among TikTok broadcasts.” Which is at least vaguely adjacent to what you said, but also is (1) just someone who’s not in the executive branch who’s just kind of guessing (2) not at all the same as “how much anti genocide sentiment was on it”.

    • mozz
      15 months ago

      I said: “Also, there are a ton of issues e.g. related to safety and wages. It’s not just sick days.” and then linked to some sources for why the sick days were the main flashpoint where things broke down.

      Then you said: “there was definitely more than sick days to it.” basically re-reexplained back to me what I had just got done saying, just changing the sourced statements into unsourced disagreements with those statements, based on your off the dome beliefs on it maybe.

      I said: “just forgot about Mastodon, Twitter, Lemmy, and all the other sources where people can get anti-US news freely? (Or Fox News or Newsmax, which actually present an affirmative threat to his presidency and in an indirect way to his actual personal safety, and show some fairly legitimate reasons why someone could argue for shutting them down?)” (note: I edited it shortly after posting to add Fox News and Newsmax when I realized they should be included)

      Then you said: “what are the anti administration media that isn’t getting banned?”

      It feels like you’re not really listening, and just kind of have a set of points you want to make, and if I ask questions or make citations to disagree with it, you just rewind to the start and push play on the set of points you want to make.


      to get liberals to realize that it’s okay not to vote for biden

      Not really, dude. I mean in a technical sense, you can do whatever you want to do, but if your house is burning down and someone’s saying hey it’s okay if we don’t put out the fire, because I heard some bad things about the firefighters and anyway the back stairs weren’t up to code, that person is objectively wrong. Put out the fucking fire. Trump is the fire.

      because i genuinely believe that no one under 50 can look back at their adult life and say “yeah, this is good, actually, i’m happy with this, it should be biden, not literally any other candidate. the democrats are really my ally and i should lend them my support”. i mean, there’s the butigeegs (I can’t spell his name) of the world, but you know, like real people. anyway i’m not trying to convert people to anarchism or communism but just to meet people where they’re at with the message that “things are bad and they’re not gonna get better from one or the other ruling class party. reject their tickets and choose something else. organize in your communities and try to build resilliency”

      I would support you in doing all of those things. If it ever sounded like I was against the idea of improving the Democrats or replacing them with something better, or against organizing in your community, or anything like that, I’m not. But in this election, it’s Trump vs Biden, and all of those things will get 10 times harder to do if Trump wins and shuts down community organizing and unions and protest movements and starts throwing anyone to the left of Ronald Reagan in political prison or if they’re in congress killing them.

      I’m not saying any disagreement with any of what you said up there; a good bit of my support for voting for Biden is based on the alternative being the end of the fuckin world. But sure, improving the system outside voting for Biden is also 100% necessary, yes. On that we definitely agree.

        • mozz
          15 months ago

          I do employ the tactic of cutting the fat and staying on topic. We both have lots of comments and I’ve seen and read many of yours. Often you will ask a bunch of questions or bring up a bunch of points and the only way to keep someone who has a style like that on topic is to go back to five paragraphs and restate the topic. I’m not criticizing or making fun of the way you write, just explaining why I tend to bring it back to the points I’m trying to make.

          Honestly, I don’t even know why I’m in this conversation anymore. I’m not trying to be discouraging to you by saying this, but it seems like I keep saying things or asking questions and what comes back is not productive. Sorry.

          I understand your viewpoint, I think. You don’t have to go back and “bring it back” to the points you’re trying to make. I am asking specific questions because to me that’s a relevant way to engage in the debate – you can sort of poke holes in the other person’s viewpoint, or else learn more about it and so there are parts that will make sense or parts that don’t make sense.

          I’ll make it simple, and just ask some questions. You can assume that I already understand your main viewpoint, and you don’t need to restate it or “stay on topic,” and just answer the questions. I’m not trying to be overwhelming or anything or pin you down or “debatebro” or whatever, but to me this is part of the dialogue. If you want to engage, cool, I’m curious to know what you think about these things. If not, then cheers. To me it’s super dispiriting for someone to say e.g. Biden is censoring all the non establishment media but also refuse to identify what other media Biden is censoring, just sort of vaguely say all of it that’s anti establishment. Maybe that is reasonable in your debate-world but in my world it is a weird and evasive way for you to behave.

          important to examine it due to the circumstances illustrating how the administration deals with labor power

          Do you think it’s important to examine how the administration dealt with the UAW election or regulations on strikes / bargaining and union election guidelines in general? Or the writer’s strike or the Starbucks or Amazon unionization drives?

          it shows explicitly what will happen when you take effective strike action in Bidens America.

          Same question

          The examples you gave of media in opposition to the administration that are unbanned are either small, shrinking, controllable or represent the opposition platform under the two party system.

          What are establishment unfriendly media that are being banned? Besides Tiktok? I keep asking this question. You said, more or less, all of them. That’s not an answer. Which ones? What’s all of them?

          What do you think Romney meant by that?

          (Answering this one, as it’s surely a fair question to ask me)

          I think he meant that the coverage on TikTok is slanted, as a way of amplifying Blinken’s point that the entire format makes it basically impossible for TikTok to function as an informative type of news, and he brought up coverage of the Palestinians as an example.

          I do agree with what Blinken said (basically, that is also my view on TikTok, in addition to the problem that it’s controlled by the Chinese government). I don’t agree with Romney’s viewpoint – I think it’s fine if any social media wants to weight its coverage however the people who operate it and the people who have accounts there want to do it, and in particular I definitely don’t think there’s anything wrong with emphasizing the suffering of the Gazans in a way that’s probably offensive to the people who are sending the IDF the weapons they’re using to inflict that suffering.