• @[email protected]
    15 months ago

    If we’re considering foreign policy, a Trump victory means not only continued destruction in Gaza but potentially an additional genocide in Ukraine. Domestically he has demonstrated that he’s unwilling to accept a loss and will stoop to transporting fake elector ballots to overturn the election. That’s not to mention his platform which I see as abhorrent. I don’t consider putting this guy in the Oval Office to be an acceptable solution. Voting for Biden is the only effective defense against this. I have accepted that we are going to have a terrible genocide enabling president after this election. This is taking a mental toll on me for sure but at the end of the day it can always be worse. If we don’t agree on that premise then we won’t agree on much here.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        Please don’t strawman me. I’m not a zionist, I’m not a proud liberal. My belief is that encouraging a Trump victory will result in MORE atrocities and should be avoided. I have accepted the truth that we will have a genocide-enabling president because, in terms of my participation in the 2024 election, that is out of my control. There are means of protest and expression outside of this election but, within the scope of the '24 presidential election and our casted votes, this is simply the reality that we have to work with. My phrasing of “accepting” is not in terms of complacency with my country’s actions but acceptance that within the scope of which box I check on Election Day, I will reluctantly have to vote for someone who supports a genocide because the alternative is to not participate.