• _haha_oh_wow_OP
    4 months ago

    You don’t have to tell me that, I’m an American lol. I still ride anyways but there’s a camera rolling every time I ride these days so if someone hits me or attacks me, that’s going to become a big problem for them.

    I started wearing one after an obese dipshit in a lifted truck started to act like he was going to attack me after cutting me off and calling me homophobic slurs (you know because riding a bike means you love dick I guess). They opened the door and climbed out but then got right back in and took off like a bat out of hell as soon as it was apparent that I wasn’t going to run away or cower (probably for the best, I never ride unarmed and can fight reasonably well, plus there’s the regular cardio and strength training cycling provides).

    As soon as I hopped off my bike, he looked like he was going to shit his pants lol, pretty certain he was expecting me to try and ride away. It’s amazing how a camera has almost completely eliminated people doing dumb shit - as soon as they see the camera, they behave. Doesn’t help with negligent drivers, but it’s still made a huge difference with belligerent drivers.

    Anyone reading this that hates cyclists should think hard about this before they decide to try and attack one of us: You don’t know who is on that bike or what they are capable of, so fuck with them at your own peril and don’t forget that there are cameras everywhere these days, even if you might not notice them.

    • @[email protected]
      104 months ago

      It’s wild that they attack cyclist. I am mostly a pedestrian first as I live in a walkable city, but I was walking my bike to the shop for repairs and there was a dramatic shift in how drivers reacted to me just walking a bike. It’s insane how much needless contempt they have for someone on a bike.

      • @[email protected]
        64 months ago

        Hating anything that helps the planet is now the religion of the right. We’re talking about people who deliberately mod their trucks to create more harmful emissions.

      • _haha_oh_wow_OP
        64 months ago

        It’s not super common (at least in my experience) but it still happens way more often than it should.