• archomrade [he/him]OP
      114 months ago

      I’m old enough to have voted in the last 4 elections, i remember 2016 plenty. Do you know what I remember about it though? Hillary, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and all the major news outlets, all the major online publications being shared on all the major social media platforms proudly and confidently parading around poll numbers showing Hillary would blow trump out of the fucking water. I don’t remember hardly any of her campaign positions, because at every fucking stop she was mocking and deriding trump and his supporters. She was even mocking her own constituents by deriding Bernie.

      She was as surprised as everyone else that the electorate she needed to show up chose not to come out for her, and if you ask literally any non-voter or protest voter from that election, they would tell you the same thing: ‘the establishment doesn’t give a fuck about my interests’.

      I voted for hillary (and i’m embarrassed by it). I don’t think voting third party would have changed anything about that outcome. What I wish i had done was spend every goddamn minute of every goddamn day leading up to election day SCREAMING at everyone that would listen to take the concerns of the electorate more seriously. I cannot stress enough how absolutely idiotic it is to be wasting any time shitting on the interests and concerns of the voters in 2024 by chanting “vote for Biden or else”. It is the same fucking thing hillary did, and BIDEN WILL LOSE.

      If anyone here is even remotely concerned about Biden losing in 2024, they should be running for the mountains and amplifying what voters are actually concerned about, and pray to fucking god Biden has the compassion to listen. If it means personally threatening to withhold your vote in order to make that possibility ring true, then absolutely do it. I don’t care if you think that’ll make someone apathetic, if any one of us reliable democratic voters is even considering not voting for him, I would bet it on my life that millions of others are already feeling the same thing.

      The level of arrogance displayed in the memes here about ‘if you don’t vote you’ll cause a dictatorship’ is absolutely staggering (personally calling out @[email protected] here) The only people those memes are for are people who will have their reality shattered when their worst fear comes true after november.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      I’m not sure if you’re aware but the third party vote in 2016 slanted more towards voters who typically vote Republican.

      Also: unless you lived in a swing state in a swing district your third party vote probably didn’t cost Hilary anything in the Electoral College.

      And I doubt you were the reason her campaign chose to ignore said swing districts in swing states. Don’t feel guilty and don’t carry the water of their mistakes.