• @[email protected]
    24 months ago

    I appreciate your thoughtful response.

    Sadly the Republican’s “grassroots” orgs get tons of funding from the oligarchy, while any grassroots orgs on the left get none… Without funding I don’t know that there’s much we can do. Personally I worked my ass off in progressive politics for a few years after Bernie, but unfortunately eventually had to move on to something that can actually pay. Now I’ve moved as far away from the South as I could, bought a gun and ammo, and a couple weeks worth of emergency food. I don’t see any way out of this without it getting really bad. End stage capitalism is rough.

    Besides the fact that each new generation is more progressive than the last one, honestly my only hope is that as AI starts taking their jobs, and the oligarchy keeps squeezing more and more out of an ever shrinking upper middle class, that eventually they’ll start joining us and voting progressive. Like right now 50%ish of people own nothing… What about when they’ve squeezed every drop out of 75%? 90%? At what point do the people in their golden bubbles start realizing they’ve been getting screwed all along too? Hopefully it’s before millions die in the streets.

      • @[email protected]
        24 months ago

        Unfortunately the only real convictions the Dems seem to have is “protect the rich at all costs”… They have some social issues stuff quite a ways behind that, but clearly they’re willing to let it slide rather than fight (ie roe v Wade)… They would definitely rather lose to Republicans, who at least have that same ‘protect the rich’ conviction, than lose to progressives who would “eat” the rich instead… Even though they agree with progressives on the social issues

          • @[email protected]
            24 months ago

            So typically liberal=neo-liberal=establishment Dems… Progressives=Bernie and the squad… Just semantics

            I’ve seen that video before… Love everything he does… I wonder how AI and robots taking over all human labor over the next 20 years will effect this model. I guess it’s sort of like discovering a resource that dwarfs the production capabilities of the people. So all the democracies slip into dictatorships? Maybe that’s what we’re seeing the prelude to?

              • @[email protected]
                14 months ago

                I guess I don’t see how Bush fits that definition, but I guess it doesn’t matter, I think we’re close enough.

                Personally, I wish we could hurry up and replace all human labor with computers and machines. People could still do work, they’ll just be free to pursue work that they find satisfying instead of the bullshit work most people are doing now. We will of course have to have an economic revolution and force the rich to share the wealth created by the machines, otherwise everyone dies in the streets except a few thousand rich people. I’m a strong proponent of UBI tied to inflation and set at a thriving level by “district”… However we want to define district.

                  • @[email protected]
                    24 months ago

                    Yeah…I think they’ll push for a faux revolution, designed to cull the herd more than actually change power structures… Our only hope is for people to realize they need to fight the rich and not each other… So I don’t have high hopes