Greetings from new mod team

I’ve started putting together community rules at sidebar

  • Team members: Since we don’t have team modmail capabilities yet, let’s use this to intro ourselves to community, as well as to have conversations about the direction of the community, including feedback from community members feedback.

  • All: I’d welcome your feedback, comments.

  • WRT consent and respect, please also see this post by admins

  • Volunteers? If you (including OCC) would like to help moderate and grow this community, please leave a comment here expressing your interest; prior experience modding is not necessary, simply that you have passion for this particular community. No promises that you’ll get added, but a general community of this potential growth/size could use a good sized team of 5 to 10 mods. Please see this rough commentary on what I consider modding to be:

  • @luckyboyM
    21 year ago

    Hey guys, from now on I will also help as a mod in this community. Thank you @b9999998! Personally I would also be completely fine with male posts here, but I would see why some users could dislike it. Maybe it would be better to create a new community specifically for adorable male posts?

    • b9999998OPM
      1 year ago

      As I got a chance to think more, I now strongly feel we should be all inclusive. Gender does not have a monopoly on the term “adorable”, and I’d hate to create various us vs them camps. Having said that, if someone wants to create such new communities to be able to feel safer in, I would support that too.

      There will always be someone that “dislikes” something, and that’s OK too - this is a free instance/community and there is no way to appease everyone.

      [Update] For now, I’ve included this in the sidebar - with some more wordsmithing to do…

      Gender inclusive

      unfortunately I don’t know yet all the proper preferred terms beyond [M], [F] so please tag accordingly.
      • @luckyboyM
        21 year ago

        Awesome. I think this is a good solution to not have fragmented communities and be inclusive! ❤️

        • b9999998OPM
          31 year ago

          Please feel free to help edit/update sidebar. Thanks!

          • @luckyboyM
            31 year ago

            Updated the sidebar a bit in an attempt to make things more clear. Also added some gender tags 😅

            • b9999998OPM
              31 year ago

              Awesomeness - Great and thank you! I was too lazy to do this level of reformatting via desktop