The universe didn’t force you not to believe in magic. You could have spent your whole life believing magnets are magical stones, that the electromagnetic force is magical energy, and that computer engineers are wizards who conjure spirits from magic. And you could have been 100% factually and scientifically correct.

But you chose to believe that magic is by definition not real, because you didn’t want to live in a world of whimsy and wonder. You defined magic as supernatural, in opposition to the natural world. While every scientist knows that nature is just a word for everything that exists. You chose to define magic in a way that it wouldn’t exist, denying it through tautology and not through science.

Why did you choose that?

  • @[email protected]
    34 months ago

    It is not so much that we do not know the mechanism, it is that the mechanisms have been demonstrated to have no effect beyond psychological in those predisposed to believe in it having some cause, or the easily swayed.

    While some things many now call magic did have grains of truth in them, those grains of truth stuck and developed eventually into say elements of medicine and chemistry.

    Divining Rods provably do not work. This has been studied.

    Astrology and Zodiac readings have no demonstrable, plausible physical effect on anything on Earth, beyond the Moon anyway. Their effect is only present in the minds of believers, this has been greatly studied.

    I have personally worked in a university news room where the Editor would just make up the horoscopes for each week by bullshitting whatever he wanted, and then have to sit through conversations with people reading said bullshit horoscopes and planning and interpreting their lives based around them.

    Prayer has no effect on the world beyond the mind of the practitioner, this has also been studied.

    Much, though not all of the actual physical and material recipes of Alchemy do not work, or do not work as described. The bits that did work eventually became parts of the foundation of Chemistry.

    Tarot, Psychic Readings, Fortune Telling, Prophecy, combine basically creative subjective interpretation or prediction with a primed audience that can often then interpret vague predictions as having been accurate when some mundane random event later occurs.

    • @[email protected]OP
      14 months ago

      Of course magic only has an effect on the mind. The mind is the only thing of whose existence we are assured. Descartes said Cognito Ergo Sum, and in this he was correct, but his argument that Deus Ergo Veritas is nonsense. There is no perfectly good god, and therefore Descartes’ argument that there is reality is wrong. Experiential reality is a product of the mind, assembled according to processes we do not understand. We cannot yet account for the sudden appearance of sensation as a result of neural impulses. And cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman argues that we never will, because neurons are an invention of the mind, not the other way around.