• @[email protected]
    14 months ago

    But the examples you gave me are the opposite of progress

    Your ignorance seems to know no bounds. But I hope you have a nice weekend.

    • gradyp
      4 months ago

      Friend, arguments like yours are the exact reason I’m done with the political bullshit. I am having a marvelous weekend, volunteering with children in the woods. This is what I’m doing to make things better, local things that make a difference.

      Go pat yourself on the back real hard for that vote of yours, you’ve single handedly saved us all.

      • @[email protected]
        14 months ago

        If Trump gets elected and people like me are hunted down as devients, nobody can get safe abortions and thousands of transgender kids are denied the care they need… oh, and we end up at war with China while Israel does whatever it wants and the Ukraine is wiped off the map… I’ll be sure to congratulate you on your “making a difference”.

        • gradyp
          4 months ago

          Again, I’m sorry this country hates you. I agree that minorities are facing a horrible situation. The difference between you and I is that I no longer believe voting for Biden, or the orange asshole, or the lunatic will fundamentally change the direction of the country. I can and will continue to support LGBTQ and other minority group policies and programs and people but again, I do not believe my vote will do anything for those causes. I am fundamentally against supporting any of them. I have a choice of evil, evil or evil. Instead I’m choosing to bow out.

          • @[email protected]
            14 months ago

            I have one more thing to say before I ignore you.

            What galls me is not that you feel that voting makes no difference. I think that’s juvenile and so provably false but it’s a feeling I can at least empathize with. From a narrow uninformed perspective in a limited time frame, yeah, I suppose “progress” is so slow it may not appear to be happening.

            No, what pisses me off is that you don’t listen to the people actually affected by this. This is so typically white male: ignoring any other input but your own because hey, problem? what problem? What solution? Doesn’t affect me!

            Here you literally have at least one person who will be, unlike you, very much affected by another Republican administration and all the justices that get appointed as a result. This person is saying to you that this one simple thing you can do - which costs you nothing - will help them out. This person is saying that actually it matters to them and makes a difference to them, their family and their friends.

            But you are so secure in your privilege that you choose to say “nope, you are wrong, I’m right… nothing I can do here”. Not even a “hmmm, maybe I should look into this more and ask others”.

            That’s so fucking arrogant and selfish.

            • gradyp
              4 months ago

              I’ve never said why you should or should not vote, you are free to do as you will. All I’m saying is that I cannot morally support anyone who is running. You can, done, but they are all collectively running on platforms I cannot morally support because I see them all as part of the same problem.

              So we’re in a situation where we have a fundamental agreement on the issues but a fundamental disagreement about the solutions. Your name calling has not yet convinced me that I’m wrong.

              Edit- I want to elaborate a little about why I’m taking the position I am. I believe the dems are part of the problem that led us here, I believe they dangle these wedge issues out there for reasons you are illustrating. Yes, I agree with the words that they say, but the actions they take (or more often don’t) no longer make me believe they are out for us. I think our side is just as captured by a corrupt party, just one with a different marketing department. You think the vote will make the difference, I’m saying, those same arguments, for those same issues, have been made for my entire life and they have not fundamentally changed. There are minor, small wins but in reality the ONLY consistent winners are the American equivalent of the oligarchs. I’m at the point where I actively believe they are doing it all on purpose, another side of the same coin so to speak.

              So I’m checking out. You do you.