• Rikudou_Sage
    131 month ago

    That would be currently possible with a combination of AI and standard computing.

    1. Have a camera on all the places you store food, let AI analyze it to tell you what’s missing.
    2. Do some standard web scraping for prices.
    3. Use some clever algorithm to calculate the route (might not be always optimal, but there are some good algorithms for the travelling salesman problem).
    4. Let a LLM write some bullshit around the data to appear human.
    5. ???
    6. Profit
    • @[email protected]
      330 days ago

      You don’t need a clever algorithm for #3. You’ll likely only have 4-5 potential targets. You can brute force that in reasonable time.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      Suddenly carbon footprint x10

      Frankly we can’t do shit anymore without fusion. We just have to grit our teeth and hope it comes sooner rather than later or maybe… maybe develop in more intricate ways than just more energy per monkey

    • @[email protected]
      11 month ago

      Do some standard web scraping for prices.

      Do you understand how hard that is? Most websites do not just let you scrape them entirely because they think you’re a competitor. Web scraping involves staying one step ahead of each site. You might as well just pick a site and buy most things there.

      Plus you can just have everything delivered. It’s easier and you can get access to sales.

      • @[email protected]
        130 days ago

        There are 3rd party APIs that handle scraping… Eg Red circle API. Problem is they don’t really have produce and everything up to date.

      • Rikudou_Sage
        130 days ago

        Yes, I do indeed, for example the AutoTL;DR bot you might have seen around Lemmy (that does web scraping) is mine.

        Sure, you can do an entirely different thing than I was talking about, but then you’re replying to something entirely else, aren’t you? This was a reaction to a post in the OP which doesn’t talk about getting everything delivered.