• @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      I’ve been here two years, so my family is right in the middle of the “get fucked” zone in basically every possible way for the foreseeable future. (This also includes being repeatedly denied permanent residency that we would automatically be granted if we lived 50km west of where we do, i.e. in Ontario. According to the HR director at my company, after the passage of the law Immigration has started an unofficial policy of putting residency applications that otherwise have enough points to qualify but don’t speak French directly into the “reject” pile.)

      I appreciate you taking time to provide the links and advice though.

      I’m definitely not saying that French-Canadians have it better in the rest of Canada and that has never been my argument – I completely agree with your original comment that Anglo-Canadians are unintentionally racist toward French-Canadians, but my original comment is also 100% true, that French-Canadians are instead intentionally racist toward English speakers.

        • @[email protected]
          4 months ago

          You’re the one that originally said that Anglo-Canadians didn’t realize how racist they are toward French-Canadians, not me. All I’m doing here is agreeing with you, and adding that French-Canadians do realize how racist they are, because for them it’s literally a matter of widely supported, highly publicized government policy in addition to being a deeply-ingrained cultural chip-on-the-shoulder.

          You can either take our lived experience at face value and gain some perspective, or you can continue to bury your head in the sand. Either way I’m tired of yet another Quebecer gaslighting me about how good I have it here, so I think I’m done. Bonne nuit.