• Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
    6023 days ago

    This would work on me if I wasn’t just going to have a pleasant discussion about the airplanes and then tell her to have a nice day, because I’m not going to just assume she’s into me because we both like old airplanes.

    • @[email protected]
      2623 days ago

      I once got a tattoo from an artist who was cute and, in hindsight, clearly into me. Just the two of us in the shop, showing me photos of other designs while leaning very close, etc.

      I commended her artwork, paid for the ink and left. Still kick myself thinking about it, we are not the most intuitive creatures.

      • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
        5823 days ago

        And you didn’t because then you’d just be another customer hitting on someone who’s just trying to do her job. Just like I’d just be another asshole hitting on a woman who’s just trying to enjoy airplanes.

      • @[email protected]
        1623 days ago

        Similar story for me

        I was in a hostel in Berlin and I’d had a fun time with this girl and a few others in a bar the night before. She had a nice tattoo on her arm and I complimented on it, she then took off most of her clothes and showed me her other tattoos but I didn’t think they were as nice though I politely said they were nice. I then went out to get breakfast leaving this poor girl in her underwear

        • Captain Aggravated
          1022 days ago

          You didn’t miss out on anything.

          If that’s how unclearly she expresses sexual attraction just imagine trying to get consent out of her.

        • @[email protected]
          523 days ago

          Aw geez that smarts. Lesson learned, if you ask a woman about her ink and she offers to show you more…ask to see more. It’s been working pretty well for the gf and I, she’s got em all over.

      • @[email protected]
        822 days ago

        Getting hit on by business people is very normal, because people who flirt back routinely become repeat customers.

    • @[email protected]
      623 days ago

      That’s fine, that’s what we want you to do.

      We use the purely platonic conversation to get a sense of what level of compatibility there might be. Something physical, something more, what are we feeling.

      Sometimes the companionship of a conversation is enough and we’re both happy to say “this was a lovely chat, bye, have a nice day”

      But occasionally… “thanks for chatting to me, hey I don’t suppose you’d want to come over one day and check out the recreation prop kittyhawk my brother and I are building? I’m stuck in the shop alone on Saturday if you’d like to keep me company and tell me more about old airplanes.”

      • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
        23 days ago

        Honestly, if I met someone there I’d want to make friends with her, so that she can tell all her friends what a great guy I am.

        If she wants me she can always just tell me. And, at a minimum, girls are easier to look at and generally smell better than guys so I prefer women as friends to men.