• @[email protected]
    34 months ago

    disagree with the party line your voice must be silenced."

    I never said that. Leaving this platform is isn’t silencing anyone. It’s just making bad faith trolls leave a platform. It’s a win for everyone.

    And since I know your kind tend to assume things that aren’t said: I’m not saying don’t vote.

    What is “my kind” here? Apparently you like to assume things about people you don’t know. I’ve never spoken with you before. So how do you k ow about my “kind?” Seems very… putting not just words in my mouth, but an entire personality as well.

    Oh, gotcha. So bullying people who don’t pass your litmus test (whether or not they actually believe or are what you claim) until they leave _isn’t_ silencing the voices of people who disagree with you.

    I ask you… who am I bullying? People who are yelling at other so not vote during a very important election? What the litmus test you’re assuming I have here. Since you like to make impatiens about what others say and do…

    Labeling people “bad actors” simply for expressing an opinion counter to yours

    If you look back through this conversation, I never once labeled anyone a bad actor because they expressed an opinion counter to mine or anything.

    I called them bad actors because they’re here to disrupt an election and cause fuck tons of damage to this country.

    That you’re making such an effort to defend them says a lot about you.

    • @[email protected]
      14 months ago

      Not gonna retread the entire conversation on the points you decided to stick your head back in the sand for. But on “your kind,” it’s the people who go around spreading vitriol at anyone who expresses an opinion counter to your own. And you immediately proved me right in your response by assuming the worst intention for me stating that I’m voting.

      I’m not defending anyone, I’m standing against your call for authoritarianism. Because plenty of people are completely genuine in their disillusionment with the system but your characterization of them as “bad actors” is based solely on them saying one specific thing (that’s the litmus test).

      Again: we do not need more authoritarianism. We need honest discussion of ALL of the flaws of our political system. The Democrats are not above criticism, no matter how batshit insane the Republicans get.

      • @[email protected]
        14 months ago

        Im going to say this one last time since you seems to be having trouble:

        It isn’t because it’s an opinion counter to my own. It’s because they’re wittingly or unwittingly going to cause a lot of damage to America and Americans over a single issue that’s so nuanced, they don’t understand how it even works or what it’s happening.

        This isn’t an opinion. This isn’t authoritarianism. It’s simply trying to protect democracy.

        Red Project 2025. Understand what will happen to our LGBTQ+ friends and family. Understand what will happen to our moms, our sisters…. Our daughters. Understand what will happen tou your protect rights.

        Democrat is at stake and this is no time to be fucking around with right-wing trolls, and bad faith posers pretending to be leftists.

        I’m not arguing this with you any further.

        • @[email protected]
          24 months ago

          Then I’ll say this one more time since you seem to be having trouble: that’s your opinion, and other people see what you’re doing as an existential threat to American democracy just as much as MAGA.

          That’s the point I’ve been trying to make this whole time. Your personal opinion on the only path to protect democracy happens to involve some steps that I think will also destroy democracy. And in the meantime I think we have very little time left to stand up against the anti-democratic practices of the Democratic party, and they’re continuing to inflame extremists in the opposition to give themselves cover.

          By the way, for someone who is constantly yelling about bad actors in a discussion of US politics, you’ve got some pretty suspicious grammar in this comment.

          • @[email protected]
            4 months ago

            Suggesting others Not vote is NOT democratic- and absolutely IS a threat to democracy. Period. Full stop.

            Spreading misinformation and propaganda in other to sway an election is NOT democratic and absolutely IS a threat to democrat. Period. FULL STOP

            I will not debate this further. Don’t like what I say- block me. But I will continue to call out the bad actors here that are trying to get Trump elected.

            I reserve error checking my grammar for people I actually respect. Having difficulty reading what I say? Don’t read it, but insinuating that my grammar is an indication of anything suspicious is fucking stupid.

            • @[email protected]
              14 months ago

              Suggesting that others not vote isn’t undemocratic. People are allowed to not vote in a democracy. The opposite that seems to be suggested here would be forcing them to vote, which is not democratic.

              • @[email protected]
                14 months ago

                CHOOSING to not vote is a freedom. It’s not democratic. And suggesting that others not vote undermines democracy.