• @[email protected]
    920 days ago

    I don’t get the obsession with reintroducing negatively charged words into the common language. Isn’t english a rich enough language that there’s an abundance of substitutes for words?

    • @[email protected]
      420 days ago

      You may invent words as long as you like, but those words can definitely become corrupted as well. It will be an endless cycle.

      The only way to stop that is to put our feet down and correct the misuse.

      • @[email protected]
        620 days ago

        Look at something written 500 years ago. 100 years ago. 50 years ago. Language changes all the time, and there is no stopping that. Yep, language is an endless cycle of switching out common words and adapting to social rules. I’d highly reccommend to follow that flow instead of trying to bring back the “good old days” when n-words and r-words were common and accepted.