• @[email protected]
          718 days ago

          To answer your previous question, it’s the hypocrisy, the need to feel better than others because of the subconscious knowledge that they are temporary pushes them to positions that don’t align with the morality of the religion they mostly espouse but don’t follow. That sort of cognitive dissonance creates weird ass shit like this, although I’m going to believe without looking that this was ai generated rather than someone spent artistic time creating it, because that would make me really sad

          • @[email protected]
            618 days ago

            Oh yeah the picture’s definitely AI-generated, just look at eg. the two-headed Trump on the left or the trans Trump who’s 2nd from the right

          • @[email protected]
            117 days ago

            AI doesn’t generate things without prompts. Somebody spent a lot of time prompting an AI, and this was the best outcome. There were far more horrific creations that never saw the light of day, like a failed Frankenstein experiment.

    • @[email protected]
      3318 days ago

      I can’t decide if I like “top-surgery Trump” with the bikini top or “2-headed ogre Trump” with the dunlap.

      • @[email protected]
        1518 days ago

        My hot take: if you were alive while lead was legally allowed in gasoline, you shouldn’t be allowed to be in office.

      • @[email protected]
        918 days ago

        the asshole that put lead in gasoline.

        Given the knowledge of the time it increased performance and fuel economy. It wasn’t until decades later we realized it was horrible to humans and we started to phase it out.

        I mean, asbestos was seen as a “wonder” material for a long time before we understood how terrible it was. Hell they used asbestos snow in wizard of oz.