• @[email protected]
    3518 days ago

    Banned from the news communities so they take their propaganda to other ones where people might not know them. A majority of people don’t like Biden, he’s hit an all time low in popularity. You on the other hand have an anti Biden agenda. Hopefully mods of other communities catch on. Tired of calling out this bs in every thread.

      • @[email protected]
        1517 days ago

        News and politics made a new rule that it’s fine to post negative articles, but when it’s all you post about one politician multiple times a day they consider it propaganda and pushing an agenda. The mod team has a better explanation than me but that’s the basic gist

          • @[email protected]
            1517 days ago

            Biden isn’t a king. Again I am not a fan of him either but let’s not pretend that he can just snap his fingers and make these things happen. He’ll need support of the house and senate, which we know isn’t likely. I don’t see any critical posts about the voting system in America from you which would actually allow you to vote for someone you liked. It’s just anti Biden.

            • stinerman [Ohio]
              1017 days ago

              Not sure it’s just anti-Biden but people do need to understand on matters like this, they need to mentally apply an asterisk that says “subject to approval by Congress.”

            • @[email protected]
              917 days ago

              Poor Biden, he would actually do something about this agenda, but then the republicans might yell at him. Sorry kiddo, nothing he can do - vote harder next time lul

              • @person420
                517 days ago

                What’s funny is you think you’re being edgy and sarcastic, but you just stumbled into the right answer.

          • @[email protected]
            1117 days ago

            It’s frankly laughable that you pretend your firehose of anti-Biden posting is somehow not pro-Trump, despite the reality of our binary system. The only logical conclusions are that you’re an idiot—which you don’t appear to be, based on what I’ve seen—or that you’re a cryptofash.

            • @[email protected]
              17 days ago

              So, when the Democrats were handing out punch, you said “Thanks, I’ll take the whole bowl.”

        • @[email protected]
          717 days ago

          Only on world and only to be able to remove anti Biden posting.

          Notice were on white people twitter

          • @[email protected]
            1317 days ago

            Yes almost like that was my entire point. Can’t post there so they moved to other communities

            • @[email protected]
              1017 days ago

              Your point is wanting them to be banned everywhere because you don’t like them posting biden stuff

              • @[email protected]
                1117 days ago

                No my point is they have a very obvious agenda. Being critical of Biden is fine. They aren’t critical of any other Dems just Biden. They don’t offer solutions, just anti Biden. They don’t talk about how first past the post voting is why we are stuck with candidates we dont like. It’s like 40x anti Biden posts a day. We get it they don’t like Biden, I don’t either, but you don’t see me making it my job to shit on him every chance I get . His approval is dropping below 30% so a majority doesn’t like him, but it’s what we’ve got currently.

                • @[email protected]
                  1017 days ago

                  Still boils down to wanting them banned from every instance because they keep pointing out valid flaws in Biden which dnc has ignored for years.

                  Also news subs banned a different user that was doing what you said should be done so forgive me for thinking that would change anything.

                  • @person420
                    117 days ago

                    OP is the user they banned. That’s what the commenter is talking about.

    • @[email protected]
      1417 days ago

      You know I used to feel this way too about that user. But when you start looking at their posts, you’ll notice they just post a shit ton of stuff all over the place. I think it’s less targeted than you think it is. The vast majority of their posts are innocuous and just plain news based.

      If they have a bias, well so do most of us. If they’re using absurd sources that’d be one thing I guess, they’re not however. They’re mostly posting mainstream news articles or direct Tweets in this case. That’s not against the rules. If you don’t like what they’re posting just downvote it and move on.

      • BarqsHasBite
        17 days ago

        He openly admitted his bias and agenda. Now after getting banned he’s trying to cover more things to make it not so obvious.

          • BarqsHasBite
            317 days ago

            Afaik he was banned for spamming (as in an absolute crap ton) anti Biden content. I believe the mods said “go outside and touch grass”.

            • @[email protected]
              517 days ago

              Specifically accurate content that was anti-biden, but he got a temporary ban for flat out saying he was intentionally only posting anti-biden content

          • @[email protected]
            317 days ago

            they were biased so politics and other comms hate to do the right thing and ban them

            His bias was saying he looked for negative Biden news. Which would have been perfectly okay if a republican

        • @[email protected]
          517 days ago

          A simple look at their Post history shows that they’ve always posted in a variety of communities. It’s simply not true what you’re saying. When having a conversation about undue bias being intellectually dishonest really hurts your credibility.

          • BarqsHasBite
            17 days ago

            First, a variety of communities is not the same as the same as solely anti Biden content. Second, I’m just saying what the mods said (and what he admitted himself), I’m not investigating it myself.

            • @[email protected]
              317 days ago

              I’m not sure if you read my comment right because that had nothing to do with what I said, or even what you said in the previous comment.

      • @[email protected]
        917 days ago

        My issue isn’t the sources. The issue is we vote in a 2 party system. You can be critical all you want of a candidate, but at the end of the day you only have 2 real choices. A vote for third party is essentially not voting and that only hurts one of two parties. We saw what happens when people protest vote. So when 90% of the posts someone make are against one of two candidates and ignores obvious flaws in the system that lead to a lot of the criticism someone is posting it’s no longer just being critical. It’s an active campaign to dissuade people from voting for 1 of 2 candidates. When you only have 2 options and you are so adamantly against one you are pushing people to vote for the other.

        • @[email protected]
          917 days ago

          If you start Banning people because the majority of their posts, or not even a majority just a number, are critical of a singular candidate I think you’d be banning a lot of users who post anti-trump stuff. I might be among them.

          Also there is no rule that says I have to constantly be making post that talk about the flaws of a system that is in no way a reasonable stance to take. What’s posted is content. That content might be about flaws of the system, but the idea that we have to post certain topics to meet a certain threshold to be allowed to post is absurd. I’ve never posted a single link about the flaws of the system. Should I be banned? Have you?

          • @[email protected]
            17 days ago

            All I said was I hope other mods catch on to the very obvious anti Biden agenda. I’m not pushing for them to be ban everywhere idk why everyone is focusing so hard on that point. It was bad enough they weren’t allowed to post in news community anymore, and now it’s flowing into other communities.

            • Queue
              817 days ago

              You on the other hand have an anti Biden agenda. Hopefully mods of other communities catch on. Tired of calling out this bs in every thread.

              Sounds like you want mods to prohibit him from posting.

            • @[email protected]
              517 days ago

              A simple look at their Post history will show you that they have always posted in a variety of communities and this is not a new phenomenon. I would also again Ask Why having an agenda or a biased matters. Most of us do clearly. This is an aggregator website. We just post content, there is no duty to being biased free in our posts. That a number of a person’s post hold a bias, not even all or even a majority of said posts, is irrelevant. Someone should not be banned because you don’t like what they say.

              Hell I’m only on this site because I was banned from Reddit for saying the only place a fascist belong is hanging from a gas station. Cuz Reddit admins are super Pro Nazis.

        • @[email protected]
          517 days ago

          If I wanted to protest vote, I’d write in Mickey Mouse or something silly like that. I vote Green because I believe in the candidates.

      • @[email protected]OP
        317 days ago

        I just always thought the upvote and downvote buttons sorted posts out. There’s been a few very vocal users on here that really hate whenever I post any news that’s critical of the Biden administration. I’ve received DM death threats over the posts. I just don’t understand it because all anyone that posts does is just paste a URL and post it. It’s not like I wrote the articles.