• EleventhHour
    234 months ago

    After closer inspection, I suspect that this is a Photoshop. The lettering does not warp correctly to the shape of the jacket, although a lot of attention to detail has been taken to make it look like it does. But when you pointed out that it’s off center, I also noticed there’s little or no shading on any of the letters, the color is far too consistent for the wear pattern of that jacket, and the lighting doesn’t match

    You noticing that it was off-center made me realize that, it’s off-center because whoever Photoshop that label on the jacket did not properly warp the text at the top to make it centered

    • Optional
      94 months ago

      No I think the “forgot” in the bottom right shows it’s real. That’d be a heck of a wrinkle to fold in if they didn’t care about it.

      • EleventhHour
        4 months ago

        There is some warping, like, they tried, but they did a lazy job. Look at the left edge: it’s perfectly straight. It wouldn’t be on a jacket like that.

        They clearly used the ‘overlay’ mode to capture some of the lighting and texture differences, but that only does so much without proper warping.

        Edit: compare it to this, which is a real print. zoom in and check out the edges, the texture, the fitting. OP’s meme is a shoop.

        • young_broccoli
          4 months ago

          I dont think it is. ELA shows no obvious alterations, and the person is clearly wearing the jacket crooked to the right (Look at the sleeve lines, left side is on top of the shoulder right side is on the side of the shoulder)

          The print isnt off-center, the whole jacket is.

          Edit: got my lefts and rights wrong.

          • EleventhHour
            4 months ago

            sorry, I mean… you’re not wrong in your observations, it’s just that this is clearly to me (30+ years as a graphic designer doing this sort of stuff) like a shoop. It’s a good shoop, but I’m experienced enough to see the flaws/shortcomings that fool most everyone, but, to my eye, gives it away.

            And mine would be better. (Which, I realize, I will now have to prove— but doing this properly would take hours, so don’t hold your breath. I’ll post the results later.)

            Until then, enjoy this from many years ago:

            • young_broccoli
              34 months ago

              I used to do screen printing on shirts and made digital mock-ups of the printed designs in photoshop (GIMP, actually) and I have done some work for strangers in reddit /photoshoprequest. This looks too good for a meme edit IMO but I cant compete against 30 years of experience, specially when I just learned by clicking around lol, so I’ll take your word for it. I just commented because I kinda enjoy photo forensics and learning how things are made.

              And mine would be better. (Which, I realize, I will now have to prove…

              Please dont, you shouldnt subject yourself to that kind of torture work just for a silly internet argument.

              Until then, enjoy this from many years ago:

              I’m just curious; Why was the easel moved?

              • EleventhHour
                24 months ago

                Ok, I won’t, lol

                The lower-left quadrant is where most of the sins lie. As if the person who made this was going clockwise and just kinda gave up towards the end.