Alt text: O’RLY? generated book cover with a donkey, navy blue accent, header: “It’s only free if you don’t value your time”, title: “Handling Arch Linux Failures”, subtitle: “Mom, please cancel my today’s agenda!”

  • huntrss
    128 months ago

    Same here. 10 years on my laptop and it broke only once: I accidentally closed the terminal where the initramfs was installed. So my mistake. I could fix it by using an arch install on an USB and my knowledge of how to install the system, since I did it myself, by hand.

    • anti-idpol actionOP
      8 months ago

      well in this particular case it’s initramfs’ fault for not designing for all-or-nothing atomicity (a operation either completes fully or not at all). which you can work around with a terminal multiplexer where a session can be re-attached later in such cases btw.

      • huntrss
        48 months ago

        Thanks, the multiplexer idea is actually really good.

        Having Said that, In my particular case it was actually my fault.