• OptionalOP
    153 months ago

    But man it feels like table scraps compared to a lot on what Biden ran on in 2020.

    Given that the republiQans retook the house in 2022, what did Biden run on that he hasn’t delivered?

    • Queue
      203 months ago
      • Freeing Mexican citizens locked in cages at the border, but has in fact increased the numbers according to the ACLU, and now limiting the numbers of who can come in like fascist Trump wanted
      • The COVID pandemic is still ongoing, we’re just ignoring it while I’ve had friends die from it after it was “over” according to the CDC. Also removing the 14 day expected leave for it to improve companies fucking over sick and healthy workers alike the economy
      • Roe v Wade being reinstated, for the party that “cares about women’s rights”.
      • Minimum Wage increases (Yes Congress is in charge of the purse, but can he say “please fucking do it so everyone has better income?”)
      • Ran on trying to stop cops from shooting innocent civilians, but in his first State of the Union said “We don’t need to defund the police, we need to fund the police!” to bipartisan roaring applause. I know he has a fucking cop as a VP, but god damn.
      • And he’s not doing anything to stop Project 2025 from getting into place if Trump wins.
      • Could maybe consider giving new arms to Ukraine and stop funding explicit genocide in Palestine.
      • Didn’t help the unions during the rail strikes give into the demands for better worker safety and benefits, blocking it like how Reagan blocked the FAA from striking for safety and benefits
      • Still allows Trump-era expansions of spying agencies, that was made public under “constitutional lawyer and defender” Obama, and instated under Dubya.

      But we don’t have the President saying stupid shit on Twitter every day, so I guess that means we’re back to a sane normal, or whatever white cishet liberals need to say to sleep well at night. Ignore the bloodshed of BIPOC and queers, women and their doctors fleeing red states over being arrested for bodily autonomy, and that white nationalists just goosestep freely because its not respectable to tell fascists to fuck off and die, it doesn’t impact you, so it’s all sane politics and electable!

            • queermunist she/her
              53 months ago

              Ah, you don’t know.

              It’s because Biden’s latest border actions are a violation of international law. Restricting asylum seeking by shutting down the border is illegal. The ACLU is suing to stop him from committing a crime against humanity.

                • queermunist she/her
                  3 months ago

                  No, but it does say:

                  “The Biden administration’s latest asylum rule runs roughshod over our laws and treaty obligations, choking off a crucial lifeline for people seeking safety. It exacerbates chaos at our southern border, undermines the vital work of humanitarian and legal aid groups, and will result in wrongful deportations of refugees to countries where they face persecution and torture.

                  This is an abomination. It’s just Trump’s targeting of asylum seekers all over again. Yes, I was editorializing by calling it a crime against humanity (I think it is, but that’s not the ACLUs position) but I was correct to call this a violation of international law. We have an obligation to asylum seekers that Biden is ignoring, just like Trump did.

                  I get it, Trump is bad and worse in some ways (I think being extremely stupid is actually a point in his favor because he fails at most of the shit he tries), but why won’t you admit that Biden is also bad?

      • @[email protected]
        103 months ago

        You are right on every single one of these, but you aren’t going to get a response to any of them on here.

        Liberals stop caring about immigrants, women, poor people, COVID, etc, as soon as there is a Democrat in power they can make excuses for.