• @[email protected]
    193 months ago

    A) yes there is.

    I don’t believe that, and since it’s impossible to show evidence something doesn’t exist, the people claiming evidence Jesus existed is gonna have to do some linking…

    that’s not the standard

    You mean evidence?

    Evidence isn’t the standard for things existing?

    What exactly is the standard in your mind for whether a historical figure existed?

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      Evidence isn’t the standard for things existing?

      What exactly is the standard in your mind for whether a historical figure existed?

      Hard evidence has never been the standard for proof that a historical figure existed. Corroborating records are. It’s great if you can find some hard evidence, but if that was the standard then most people in history wouldn’t have any historical proof of their existence. And even when there is a corpse, we still rely on burial records to be certain that the corpse is who we think it is. Or if there are letters, we can’t confirm they were written by the same person we think they were.

      Like a third of the bible as well as several contemporary documents all point to the existence of a guy named something like Joshua (which we now translate as Jesus) who traveled around Palestine preaching and was crucified in around 33AD. There are plenty of historical figures who we mostly agree existed despite having approximately the same amount of proof as for Jesus.

      • @[email protected]
        93 months ago

        Corroborating records are

        And there’s not enough to prove that Jesus Christ existed…

        There’s a Jesus that got crucified, but no mention about him being able to perform miracles

        Like a third of the bible

        I don’t think any of it was written till decades after he supposedly died tho…

        Like, there’s lots of information about Bilbo Baggins in Lotr, that doesn’t mean it was written in the third age of Middle Earth homie.

        There are plenty of historical figures who we mostly agree existed despite having approximately the same amount of proof as for Jesus.

        Name one and I’ll disporve it.

        • @[email protected]
          123 months ago

          There’s a Jesus that got crucified, but no mention about him being able to perform miracles

          Obviously miracles aren’t real. I wasn’t claiming otherwise. We’re talking about whether or not the person Jesus existed, not if magic is real.

          It sounds like we agree

          I don’t think any of it was written till decades after he supposedly died tho…

          Okay but it was written by people who claim they were there and met him personally.

          To borrow your asinine LOTR analogy, it is more like you are claiming Thorinn Oakenshield never existed simply because Bilbo only wrote “There and Back Again” after he got home from memory.

          • @Thistlewick
            73 months ago

            If your only requirement is that a man once existed by the name of Jesus and was crucified, then the bar is on the floor. Jesus was not a rare name, and the Romans crucified many, many people. It is not out of the realm of possibility that these two common data points would overlap and give us a crucified Jesus.

            Is there proof that it was THE Jesus though? Do we have corroborating evidence of a man travelling the countryside with his posse, changing the minds and hearts of the masses?

            • @[email protected]
              113 months ago

              I feel like there’s some room for Occam’s Razor here. Is it more likely that dozens of people got together and agreed to start a cult centred around a fictional person that they were all going to agree existed? Or that the guy actually did exist? Like why would all the people who say they followed him around lie about that but also be on the same page about so many details of him?

              Like, we know the posse existed, so why is it a stretch that the guy they all went on to turn into a religion was really there in the middle of it all?

              To be clear (and I can’t believe I have to say this, but there are some idiots in this thread) I’m not claiming magical miracles are real, just that there was a real dude in the middle of that posse that those followers went on to turn into a religion.

          • @[email protected]
            33 months ago

            Okay but it was written by people who claim they were there and met him personally.

            Not really, and definitely not the 1/3 you were claiming…

            Like, where are you getting any of this?

            It sounds like what they teach at one of those “bible colleges”

            • @[email protected]
              93 months ago

              A bunch of the books in the new testament are letters written by Jesus’s followers. We can’t prove whether they really are that, but they all agree that a dude named Jesus existed. If a bunch of people all wrote about a guy they knew, and most of the details match, that guy probably was real.

              • @[email protected]
                43 months ago

                A bunch of the books in the new testament are claim to be letters written by Jesus’s followers

                • @[email protected]
                  73 months ago

                  Yeah I’m not arguing with that. You’re just nitpicking semantics because you have lost this argument. Literally the very next sentence after the one you quoted I qualified that by saying it’s debatable.

                  • @[email protected]
                    43 months ago


                    So you’re arguing that “anything is possible” and that means you “won” if someone can’t prove something isn’t real?

                    You can’t prove I’m not 6 year old baby Jesus on a time traveling Blackberry…

                    But anyone that believes that doesn’t have a rationally sound mind.

        • @[email protected]
          123 months ago

          There’s a Jesus that got crucified, but no mention about him being able to perform miracles

          You just 100% conceded. /thread

          • @[email protected]
            123 months ago

            There was a Paul that lived in Midwest America

            Is that proof he had a big blue ox?

            Like, you know the Romans were pretty big fans of crucifying people for pretty much anything?

            Like, we have that elusive physical evidence that 6,000 of Sparticus’ followers were crucified…

            There’s a pretty good chance at least one of those guys was named Jesus too mate, it was a pretty common name

            • @[email protected]
              73 months ago

              There was a Paul that lived in Midwest America Is that proof he had a big blue ox?

              I do not understand.

              Like, we have that elusive physical evidence that 6,000 of Sparticus’ followers were crucified…

              Go on then. Show us the evidence.

              There’s a pretty good chance at least one of those guys was named Jesus too mate, it was a pretty common name

              Not all the texts use that name. Some say Christus or Chrestus, ha-Notzri, Yeshu, ben Stada or ben Pandera.

        • @[email protected]
          63 months ago

          Like, there’s lots of information about Bilbo Baggins in Lotr, that doesn’t mean it was written in the third age of Middle Earth homie

          The conceit of the LOTR appendices is that Lord of the Rings, as published in English, is really just the Red Book that Bilbo writes at the end. Dr. Tolkien merely found the manuscript somewhere and has graciously translated it from Third Age common language into English for the benefit of us modern people.

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              Right. I think we’re in agreement. There was a historical Diarmait. There was a historical Jesus. We know this from textual sources dated a little later than the historical figures.

              His life was written about while it happened in the Irish Annals…

              We have no Irish texts as old as Diarmait’s reign. CELT date the Orgguin trí mac Diarmata Mic Cerbaill “Created: Possibly in the Old Irish period. Date range: 700–900?” So we rely on things written 100+ years after the historical figure. And that’s referring to when it was originally written; it’s know from later transcriptions; the oldest physical Irish manuscript we have (Lebor na hUidre) is around 1100. So how do we know there was a historical Diarmait?

              In the case of Yeshu the Nazarene, it’s similar, though some texts are a little nearer his historical period than in Diarmait’s case.

      • @[email protected]
        33 months ago

        several contemporary documents all point to the existence of a guy named something like Joshua

        IIRC, there’s really only a single mention of a possible link to someone of this name that was crucified at the supposed time, and that single mention happened at least 50 (maybe 100?) years later, and there’s evidence that this passage was added even later.

        So I didn’t think it’s true that there are “several contemporary documents” like you claimed…

    • @[email protected]
      93 months ago

      Evidence isn’t the standard for things existing?

      Of course not. There are millions of examples of false claims for which there is more than zero evidence. e.g. I can claim I know which stocks will rise tomorrow, and point to various data of times I’ve been right. You can’t correctly say “There is zero evidence Frightful Hobgoblin is prescient about stock movements”.

      There often exists evidence of two mutually incompatible propositions. This is basics.

      If you want to research the historicity of Jesus it’s easily done. If you want to argue on the internet… you know what they say about that.

      • Jojo, Lady of the West
        3 months ago

        I will say that while evidence existing isn’t definitive proof, the total lack of evidence would be convincing (in the other direction). That said, evidence does exist in this case, so

        Edit: clarity

          • Jojo, Lady of the West
            33 months ago

            Well, no. Perhaps I’ve been misunderstood.

            If no evidence whatsoever for a claim exists, then there is no reason to favor that claim. This is an effectively rare situation, and basically only applies to things someone has made up whole cloth just now.

            Likewise, the existence of some evidence is not necessarily definitive “proof” of a claim, merely enough of a reason to consider it further (such as considering alternative explanations or how well said evidence matches what we might expect)

            In this case, there is evidence that somebody named Jesus may have existed, and however ideal that evidence may or may not be, it is about the amount of evidence we would expect to find of any given figure from his time.

    • @[email protected]
      93 months ago

      Quality of the evidence matters. I’m personally not a historical expert on the topic and in such situations, I’m inclined to believe whatever the people who are experts say - and as far as I gather, most experts are in the “Jesus was a real historical person”-camp.