As most of the Lemmy users are security/privacy minded, after a question about alternative voices I’m wondering. Why would you allow a virtual assistance to spy on you constantly? (Especially when you don’t need to due to other limitations)

And as a side note, is there a way to kill Siri completely on IOS (not just go trough all app settings and disable siri there)? (company phone, so alas not jail broken, Android is rooted and GA has been removed, as is the Google app itself)

  • Orvanis
    41 year ago

    Summed up: convenience, and curiosity.

    I can lay in bed and ask if to turn off the lights, and all lights in the house shut off (including the ones the kids forgot to turn off). That convenience is phenomenal.

    And my kids who are too young to own their own devices can ask it questions. Whatever is on their random little minds, which very frequently leads them to a topic that they then come to us to discuss in depth. I love that it helps them foster their curiosity about the world around them and often enough leads to healthy conversations with Mom or Dad.

    • djquadratic
      41 year ago

      that’s really sweet - how often do you find that the assistants do a good enough job answering their questions?

      • Orvanis
        1 year ago

        Usually by the second or third question they got as much out of Google Assistant as they are going to get (because they just keep asking variations of the same thing, but don’t quite grasp that it is really the same question, or they have now gotten to a hyper specific question). By question 5 or 6 they typically are done with Google and come to us to discuss further.