The high court’s 6-3 opinion along ideological lines found the law criminalizes bribes given before an official act, not rewards handed out after.

Eg: it’s ok to give Supreme Court Justices money after they rule in your favor because it’s normal and ok to regularly hand them amounts much larger than their salary. The Democrats on the court were the dissenters.

  • @[email protected]
    273 months ago

    They actually called it a gratuity. Maybe not the worst ruling of all time but one of the most shameless.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      They called it a gratuity to try to divert attention from the bludgeoningly obvious fact that it’s just a postdated bribe.

      This is what this country has come to. In the face of an ever-growing failure of the government to represent the will of the people because their influence has been bought and paid for by moneyed interests, the Supreme Court is legalizing bribery.

      Of course, it’s certainly not a coincidence that one of the institutions that’s been bought and paid for is the Supreme Court itself.