• 001100 010010
    41 year ago

    How about advocating for better access to mental healthcare instead?

    We had Obamacare (Affordable Care Act), then the fucking fascists partially dismantled it. Obamacare barely passed the filibuster, I doubt anything like that could ever pass again in this political climate. And even Obamacare didn’t solve everything, it’s not Universal Healthcare / Medicare for All. Until healthcare issues are fixed, “ban cars” is not a policy I’d support.

    We not only have a climate threat, we also have a fascist threat. We can’t fix climate without getting rid of the support for fascism.

      • DreamerOfImprobableDreams
        31 year ago

        ACA was a bunch of half-assed bullshit.

        Tell me you weren’t paying attention to US politics in 2008-2010 (which were the two fucking years of nonstop backbreaking fucking effort it got the ACA to be passed) without telling me you weren’t paying attention.