• Harry
    493 months ago

    First of all- I agree concerns about both their ages are very much valid here but hasn’t Biden had a stutter from a very young age and struggled with it most of his life? Surely we should cut the guy some slack here?

    That said, of course there won’t be slack. Political debates (especially one of high stakes as this one) are cut throat and no one has room for error.

    • @[email protected]
      463 months ago

      Brother don’t lie to yourself, that was way more than a just a stutter. Nobody who watched that debate is under the impression that the problem was Joe Biden stuttered sometimes. I understand you’re disappointed and trying to cope somehow but it’s not healthy to just create a fantasy. It was a train wreck. It was real real bad. Just accept it and move on.

      • Xhieron
        3 months ago

        It was a disaster. Trump lied for 90 minutes straight, but he did it confidently, with a straight face, and without rambling. It was a vast improvement over his stump speeches. Biden mostly told the truth, but he meandered, stammered, got mixed up, and was obviously ill. That’s just what happened.

        I’m going to vote for Biden anyway, because the old man stands for policies that actually benefit me personally (and a second Trump term is a threat to the existence of the Republic). But the debate was bad for him, possibly catastrophic. His campaign desperately needs an October surprise, and at this point it’s hard to guess what it might be.

        • @[email protected]
          53 months ago

          I think “without rambling” is more than just a stretch. Dude was all over place, but he was able to ramble clearly.

      • Harry
        3 months ago

        @[email protected] My dude, go easy. I’m from the UK, I have no reason to create a fantasy, just making an observation. Please don’t make these kinda discussions a “shut up and listen here” kind of thing.

        Edit: tagged user

        • @[email protected]
          33 months ago

          I honestly didn’t think he went that hard on you… It definitely didn’t come across as a “shut up and listen here” comment.

          That said, if you saw any of the clips, I think it was clear and obvious that his stutter was not the issue.

          In 2020, there was a lot of talk about his stutter, and that made seemed right. Here lately Biden is giving me “Weekend at Bernie” vibes.

    • Admiral Patrick
      3 months ago

      One thing to remember is they didn’t have notes, earpieces or teleprompters.

      Trump just straight up rambled out a stream of bullshit, lies, and projection every time he had the mic. Biden was not only answering factually, but also had to counter bullshit. They were on the same stage but playing two completely different games.

      And when the debate is analyzed down to “who was more truthful?”, Biden slightly flubbing a fact/figure will be treated near equally to Trump straight up spewing out bullshit.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          That was a teleprompter.

          He just did a speech today on a teleprompter and was supposedly fine as well.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      hasn’t Biden had a stutter from a very young age and struggled with it most of his life?

      It hasn’t apparently impacted his public speaking for most of his political career up until recently:


      And even when not speaking during tonight’s debate, he often looked totally bewildered.

      People have been saying this for quite a while now despite the excuses from the Democrat establishment, but tonight there was no hiding the fact that the dude just looks unable to last another four years as president.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        And even when not speaking during tonight’s debate, he often looked totally bewildered.

        To be fair, my partner and I also looked totally bewildered by the things falling out of Trump’s face. I don’t know that he actually answered a single question, but rather spouted the same racist nonsense over and over.

        • @[email protected]
          73 months ago

          Being a narcissistic, bloviating despot is exactly what everyone expected of Trump. In fact, he came off rather well from the time constraints, muted mics, and the total lack of fact-checking because the format of the debate didn’t expose his weaknesses like it did for Biden.

          • @[email protected]
            63 months ago

            I am absolutely grieving right now because of how much of the discourse following the debate is “BIDEN OLD”. Both of them are old. I wish I had another option other than Biden, but at this point it’s between him and a 34-time convicted felon that tried to throw a coup as soon as he was going to lose power and STILL will not admit he is wrong about the election results. Nor will he promise to honor the results of this upcoming election. There really isn’t a choice here.

            What a fucking failure our political system is.

            • Icalasari
              63 months ago

              It’s freaky how much this is mirroring the lead up to Nazi Germany. Right down to a convicted criminal spewing nonsense yet looking poised to take over

              I am legitimately scared

              • @[email protected]
                3 months ago

                Me too.

                I couldn’t believe that people were convinced to vote for him the first time. I couldn’t believe that after a term people were even considering voting for him the second time. Now, I’m struggling with how the man is allowed to SPEAK IN PUBLIC.

                Any other felon would have been shunned to obscurity.

                Felons struggle to find work and housing, yet this man gets another crack at leading a nation.

                The man who complimented AMERICAN TERRORISTS after they successfully murdered his constituents gets to try to LEAD A NATION.

                Republicans like to scream about CaNCel CuLTure, but fucking where is it now? This man shouldn’t be allowed to own his own clothes just for his financial crimes, and yet he is treated as a viable option for the presidency.

                Edit: oh yeah, I forgot that he was impeached twice, refused to leave office, THEN lost the vote and tried to stay in office via violence.

        • FlashMobOfOne
          33 months ago

          That’s a silver lining.

          Biden looks like he’s on the verge of croaking, so maybe, just maybe, we’ll get a black, female fascist enabler instead of an old white male fascist enabler for once.

            • FlashMobOfOne
              33 months ago

              It’s unavoidable.

              Remember in 2016 when we learned 40,000,000 Americans couldn’t absorb an unexpected $400 expense without going further into debt? That number has almost certainly exploded since then, with the housing crises and massive inflation that America has been forced to endure. I doubt those people are going to forego a badly needed day’s pay to vote for one of these two assholes when the last eight years has reinforced emphatically how little they care about the poor and working class.

    • @[email protected]
      123 months ago

      In his first presidential primary in 1988, Biden was the front runner despite his youth because he was wildly regarded as one of the best public speakers in the country and he was (at the time) charismatic.

      Then he started yelling at reporters about how high his IQ was after they found out he plagiarized speeches plagiarized work in law school, and lied about his grades and class standing.

      Because he got over his childhood stutter. In childhood.

      What’s happening now isn’t a stutter. It’s 100% normal for an 82 year old.

      That doesn’t mean an 82 year old is fit to be president, just that Biden acts how an 82 year old is expected to act. Because he’s 82 years old.