• @[email protected]
    13 months ago

    I’ve literally never had an issue and I’ve never heard of that being an issue. Do you not look at the road when you’re driving or something?

    Can anyone provide anything that says this is a real concern…? Because people keep saying it, and no one wants to prove it. So strange… should be easy, no? So why can’t anyone do it?

      • @[email protected]
        13 months ago

        Got anything from anywhere other than the US where this problem solely exists…? Because your local stats mean nothing in a global conversation.

    • @[email protected]
      63 months ago

      Here you go bud.


      Latest data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows that in 2020 there were over 500 deaths and more than 10,000 “frontover” injuries due to forward-moving vehicles. A frontover injury happens when a vehicle moving forward runs over a person because of not seeing them, usually due to a blind spot.

      And a disproportionate number of frontover victims are children, as these accidents mostly take place in driveways and parking lots. According to Kids and Cars, about 81% of victims are 6 years and under.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        Got anything from anywhere other than the US where this problem solely exists…? Because your local stats mean nothing in a global conversation.

        • @[email protected]
          33 months ago

          Sure thing bud. Also, how far are you going to move the goalposts?


          The bottom line? These vehicles are not fit for European cities.

          They are dangerous for several reasons, namely because their front ends are frequently higher than the average height of young children, making it difficult for drivers to spot some of the most vulnerable road users. Moreover, pick-up trucks such as these are more difficult to manoeuvre than standard vehicles, a challenge only made worse by the size of many European city streets.

          Therefore, it should hardly come as a surprise that these vehicles have been shown to kill and injure road users more frequently than ordinary automobiles when they get into collisions. According to Pedro Homem Gouveia, Coordinator of POLIS WG on Safety & Security, it would be more fitting to call vehicles of this dimension “dangerous road users.”

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            I followed every hyperlink, and there’s no stats.

            EU hasn’t had an increase in pedestrian deaths like the US has, where’s the stats…?

            In fact, the hyperlink that alludes it should be about stats, just goes to a LinkedIn type page for the person they are talking about…. What do you think that op Ed would be proving here?

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      I’ve literally never had an issue and I’ve never heard of that being an issue

      Well fuck me dead, that’s a shocking plot twist. The guy who responds to every comment with “spoonfeed me this widely available information” hasn’t heard of something.

      Do you not look at the road when you’re driving or something?

      It’s basic geometry, which was apparently too much to ask of you. Maybe we should have started at “object permanence” and established that things continue existing, even when your vision of them is blocked.

      Can anyone provide anything that says this is a real concern…? Because people keep saying it, and no one wants to prove it. So strange… should be easy, no? So why can’t anyone do it?

      Most people probably just assumed you were aware of this extremely common knowledge and that if you weren’t, you were capable of being a big brave boy and typing “pickup truck blind spot” into a search engine by yourself.

      But nope, you’d rather accidentally admit that you don’t know basic safety information about your own car.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        Well fuck me dead, that’s a shocking plot twist. The guy who responds to every comment with “spoonfeed me this widely available information” hasn’t heard of something.

        Like everyone else not understanding that using red lights inside of urban areas cause most of these issues? And this issue only exists in the US…? And not anywhere else?

        I love how all the data is from the US, it’s literally not an issue anywhere else… fucking lmfao. Don’t provide your local data in a global conversation, why do you think that’s important…??

        • @[email protected]
          33 months ago

          Oh look, the goalposts have moved again and apparently outside the US, people in giant trucks have xray vision that let’s them see through solid metal.

          I’m not engaging any further. You’re a fucking idiot, driving around in a fucking idiot’s car, and you’ve already done more than I ever could to prove it.

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            The goalposts haven’t moved, they’ve always been global, I don’t live in the US so why the fuck would I be talking about the US…? The meme could apply to multiple countries, even mine, but we don’t have this issue of kids getting killed in school zones, nor this campaign to get smaller vehicles, since it’s not an issue when driving, maybe the decent pedestrian infrastructure helps, but who knows, the problem only exists in one place.

            Lmfao, give your head a shake, the world doesn’t evolve around your country, I know you all want to, but there’s an entire world out there.

            I’m sorry your country doesn’t care about your safety, and you want to blame vehicles instead of your own abilities while driving, or make shit safer of you want to stare at your phone while driving. Yeah it’s not illegal to use your cellphone while behind the wheel in how many states….? Maybe that’s the reason for these collisions that only happen in the US…? No… can’t be the laws letting people be negligent… no…. Can’t be… must be something we can blame than ourselves… hmmmmhmmm….

            • @[email protected]
              23 months ago

              I’m not American but don’t worry, we’re all used to your opinions being ignorant of basic facts.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        So why are rates only going up in the US…? Other places have these same trucks and don’t have the same issues.

        I appreciate you not providing sources from outside the US to support it’s not a US only problem. Every article people provide is about the US, other places have these trucks, why don’t they have the same issues?

        Why in this so hard for you guys to find? And why is every answer skirting around the actual question? Lmfao.

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            Why did you mention the EU? What about Canada? Mexico? Australia? Where these vehicles actually exist, but the numbers aren’t the same as the Us…?

            Canada is basically identical to the US in every metric you mentioned, yet the stats aren’t the same. You keep trying to find other reasons why, when I’ve already explained it.

              • @[email protected]
                3 months ago

                I did, all those other countries haven’t had an increase in pedestrian rates… and you’ve provided nothing to support this claim…. it’s almost like the size of the vehicle isn’t a factor at all or something… but hey let’s keep blaming the vehicles when 20 other proven points have been pointed out…

                Fucking yeesh, you’re about the stupidest one in this chain trying to argue lmfao.