[a drawing of 9 strange-looking people sitting in a circle on a small boat, out at sea. The boat has sprung a leak, and the furthest left man is observing it with a concerned expression. He is saying,

“Folks, we’ve got a hole in the deck!”

Every other person is saying something else in reaction to the leak. Going clockwise from the concerned man, the captions for the other people read:

“deadass?”. This man is smoking.

“boatsisters…is it over?”

“lmao skill issue”. This person is painting.

“yeah. and?” This person is wearing a dress and heels and waving a flag.

“i really wish i were playing Dark Souls III right now…” This person is looking over the edge and splashing the water with their hand.

“look at me i’m dababy”. This person is plugging their ears with both hands.

“i’m in my shipreck arc, i’m such a boatpilled sinkmaxxer”

“a hole? bruh i’m coming for that boatussy i’m a freak fr. i’m clogging it bruh gimme one sec”

  • @Anyolduser
    79 months ago

    The longer one spends on Lemmy the more untreated mental illness one finds.