There is always an incredible amount of fear-mongering and general negativity in the US media. This is especially so for politics.

Here is my unsolicited advice:

  1. Ignore the media including polls.
  2. If you are capable, then please do some canvasing.
  3. Vote and encourage those around you to vote.
  • @[email protected]
    9 days ago

    The only policy anyone will remember Trump has, is that he’s racist.

    He made sure everyone knew that and kept emphasizing it. And it was the only one that wasn’t made up on the spot. He seemed to have lots of ways to blame foreigners for everything

    And he wanted everyone to know he’s better at golf. That I believe, considering he spent his 4 years in office playing it (the only thing he seemingly did was steal some paperwork and blame others).

    Also, why didn’t CNN bring up stuff like the fact Trump told people to shove a lightbulb up their ass to cure covid? Or follow up on the lies. They should have had a ticker at the bottom with a fact check

    • Neato
      239 days ago

      He’s not better at golf. He cheats blatantly. People play with him just to claim trump cheated against them.