• @[email protected]
    58 days ago

    Sure. But the chances of both of them croaking in the next 6 months are very low.

    Biden has the whole US government at his back, highly trained and motivated to not let the sitting US president die.

    Trump, well, terrible bastards seem to never die.

    • @[email protected]
      58 days ago

      But the chances of both of them croaking in the next 6 months are very low.

      The way Biden looked with a simple cough? And with the physical burden a continuous high stakes campaign puts on a candidate?

      Wouldn’t even be the first time a President campaigned himself into an early grave. Harrison, Taylor, Harding, and FDR all leap to mind.

      Biden has the whole US government at his back, highly trained and motivated to not let the sitting US president die.

      All the SS agents in the world can’t save you from COVID