    3 months ago

    Well, if not voting for Trump counts as supporting him, then rest assured that Biden will have my “support.”

    I’m not lifting a finger to help either of them. If Trump wins, it’ll be because the Democrats nominated that senile, genocidal corporate sycophant. It’s their job to win elections, not mine. I’ve heard you people try to shift all blame away from your shitty party and onto the left a thousand times before. You’re wasting your time. As I said, I don’t give a shit. Fix the party, win without me, or lose. Your choice, I’ve made mine.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      I hate the dnc too. But I am not a fucking child who thinks the world should revolve around me

      And it’s your job to vote. Freedom isn’t free. At least show you tried and send in a blank balllit

      • OBJECTION!
        73 months ago

        I intend to vote for a third party.

        I know that you think I’m throwing a childish fit. That’s because, fundamentally, you don’t consider Palestinians to be human beings, just as your kind didn’t see Iraqis or Afghans as human when they were being slaughtered. To you, this is just some random pet issue I’ve taken up to feel good about myself. But it’s not. I have nothing but hatred for Biden and people like him, and I have incredibly good reason for that. “Genocide” isn’t just a word, it’s not something to be casually brushed aside. It must be opposed, everything else be damned. If you genuinely attempted to see the world from their perspective, you would understand.

        Someday the democrats will decide that us trans people are too much of a liability and throw us under the bus too, and you’ll rationalize it by placing us in the exact same subhuman category you use whenever they murder a million people in the Middle East. Call me childish all you want, you’re just telling on yourself about how seriously you take their deaths.

          • OBJECTION!
            33 months ago

            Fuck off. It’s not relevant and I don’t have to prove shit to you. The democrats support genocide, end of discussion.

              • OBJECTION!
                43 months ago

                Some of us don’t like seeking out stressful news about the government coming after us just to answer a non sequitur from an asshole. Doesn’t mean it’s not out there.

                • @[email protected]
                  33 months ago

                  Awww it’s stressful? Fuck you. You think I like reading about this shit? Because I don’t. You say you are willing to die? You won’t even vote.

              • OBJECTION!
                3 months ago

                You: “Give me evidence of this”

                Me: “Piss off that evidence is irrelevant”

                You: “Ha, I knew you couldn’t provide evidence, this proves I’m right.”

                Me: “Ok here’s evidence.”

                You: “That evidence is irrelevant”

                Good talk.

                Btw you’re literally proving my exact point. The Dems have decided to sacrifice us and you’re fine with it and are justifying it using the exact same logic you use to justify supporting the genocide of Palestinians. You’ve proven that my position is the correct one.

          • OBJECTION!
            33 months ago

            Oh, yeah, you know what, I’ve already made the decision to accept considerable risk to myself and the people I care about because of my absolute commitment to opposing genocide, but if you just bring up some other random issue, that’s totally gonna change my mind. Wtf I love Biden now.

            In any case the best thing to happen for the Ukrainian people is that they stop being drafted and forced into a meat grinder to reclaim territory for a state that doesn’t care about them. But regardless, it doesn’t matter. I’m not going to support a genocide to stop anything! I don’t know how I can possibly make that position more clear to you.

            Stop wasting your time with me and go waste your time trying to get your party to be less shit.

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              I’m not going to support a genocide to stop anything!

              Ironically, not even to stop a genocide. You’d rather two genocides happen than try to at least prevent one.

              If the trolley is going to run over people regardless, and you have the option afterwards to prevent it from running over more people, the moral option is not abstaining.

              Pro lifers who don’t believe in any exceptions believe abortions are genocide as well, and are willing to accept any and all consequence of total bans. There’s a similarity with your thinking, and it’s one you should seriously examine.

              Your opinion is your own, as are your beliefs. Just be aware of their consequences and how others may perceive your morality.

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              The best thing to happen to Ukrainians is for Russia to be stopped. You say you are against genocide but are unwilling to prevent the one that can be stopped.

              If trump wins anything that happens to you you deserve because you brought it on yourself. It’s a pity you are willing to let it happen to everyone else