• @[email protected]
    326 days ago

    No one minds you voting for Biden believe it or not. We do mind being demonized and straw-personed for not voting for him.

    • @[email protected]
      6 days ago

      Do you understand why you are being demonized though? You’re making a choice that is purely symbolic just so you feel better, but real and vulnerable people across the country have to deal with the fallout.

      You want to make a difference? Great! There’s a lot of ways to do that. Campaign and fundraise at the local and state level. Push for election reform, ranked choice voting, end to gerrymandering, term limits, electoral college reform, curtail lobbying… any number of things, and push for them more often than once every four years. Voting third party in a presidential election does NOT help.

      If you want my respect, acknowledge the reality of the situation and vote for the best option (or the least bad option) among the viable candidates and then work for change within the system. It sucks that we are in this situation, but make a choice grounded in the real world, not a fake ideal world.

      • @[email protected]
        6 days ago

        If you want my respect

        I don’t.

        Voting for the stunt double from weekend at Bernie’s does not grant you superiority.

        Most of us have been voting in the primaries and are involved in local politics. It didn’t matter. The R/D machine drowns out all opposition to its duopoly.

        Biden will not win this election. Democracy died while he confusedly stared into the camera for 6 seconds. Beyond that, he fumbled his closing statement which should disqualify from any public speaking position.

        Trump is inevitable. We did all we could to get an alternative to Biden, but his hubris will destroy us.

        • @[email protected]
          96 days ago

          So your solution is to give up and throw your vote away? I’m glad you didn’t want my respect because you didn’t get it.

          A literal corpse being paraded around for four years like Weekend at Bernie’s would still be a better choice than Trump. He attempted a coup to invalidate the will of the people and maintain power, sent a mob to attack the Capitol building, and has been charged with 91 felony counts in four jurisdictions just for stuff he did while in office and as a candidate (convicted of 34 and counting).

          But democracy died when an old man showed signs of being old? Not all that other stuff? Yeah, I’m voting for Biden. Easiest decision of my life. You should too.

          • @[email protected]
            15 days ago

            You can argue until you’re blue in the face over there. Biden lost the election with that debate. He didn’t do anything he needed to do this term to protect democracy as we know it and the Supreme Court sealed the R’s final solution today.

            It’s over man…game over. Congratulations…your support of the status quo ended Democracy.

            In short, yea, I’m perfectly fine not having your respect.

      • @[email protected]
        76 days ago

        You’re making a choice that is purely symbolic just so you feel better

        If voting third-party were purely symbolic, there wouldn’t be this many people on Lemmy trying to persuade us to not do it.

        I think Biden does want our vote. And we’re telling him that if he wants our vote, he has to stop the genocide. That’s how we can use our vote to influence the government. That’s how democracy is supposed to work.

        but real and vulnerable people across the country have to deal with the fallout

        There are real and vulnerable people dying in Gaza right now because of what Biden is doing.

        • @[email protected]
          96 days ago

          If voting third-party were purely symbolic, there wouldn’t be this many people on Lemmy trying to persuade us to not do it

          This is a logical fallacy. If lighting myself on fire as protest were purely symbolic, then why are all of my friends persuading me to not do it?

          Sometimes people trying to convince/persuade you against something isn’t because you actually have a point – but because your ideas will lead to harm.

          • @[email protected]
            56 days ago

            You’re gonna need a better example, because people lighting themselves on fire played a tremendous role in ending popular support for America’s occupation of Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

            It’s the last thing I would describe as “symbolic”.

        • @[email protected]
          56 days ago

          If you care so much for palestine you vote Biden. Its either Biden or Trump and Trump would flatten gaza to get even more settlements named after him.

    • @[email protected]
      66 days ago

      Sure, if you are comfortable with the moral liability of fascism them we probably don’t get along.

        • @[email protected]
          36 days ago

          So, speaking from a purely pragmatic perspective, voting for Biden is better than other US electoral choices for the purpose of trying to help Palestinians.

          I understand your reticence and moral indignation, I largely feel the same.

          But the biggest reason Trump won in 2016 is because voters were not particularly enthused with their choices, and a great many decided not voting at all (or voting for Trump as a protest against the establishment) was preferable to voting for HRC.

          I have to imagine that we both believe that Trump is worse than Biden when it comes to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

          Given that we’re already in election year, it’s down to Biden and Trump. One of them is going to be president come January next year.

          Taking all that together, if we want things to get better for Palestine, we should vote for Biden because the alternatives are much worse.

          Granted there is a lot you can do outside of elections to help, and I wouldn’t recommend ignoring those. But given that voting for the US president takes a few hours out of one day every four years, it’s not a good idea to ignore that either.

          I hope this helps you understand those of us who don’t really like Biden but will vote for him regardless.