• @[email protected]
    173 months ago

    I believe in truth and that facts do matter. I also teach young people. Being a wage earner was not a bad thing, but I yearn for the freedom to live an easier life, eventually. I want that for everyone. False beliefs are traps that hold people back from being their best selves. Carry flat-earth beliefs as a core foundation and look at what differences it would make. Geostationary satellites, and all the tech jobs that go with servicing that sector, just disappeared. Ditto solar. Travel to distant places, and time zones, becomes an insolvable problem. Your co-worker is holding his life back by believing in medieval superstitions.

    It is a kindness to challenge people to find what is true.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      I agree with all this but want to gripe about the misconception that flat Earth is medieval.

      People have known Earth is round since at least 350 BC when Aristotle wrote On the Heavens. And he didn’t come up with it there, he was explaining how others knew it.

      In medieval times they had not lost this knowledge and it was still widely understood that Earth is round. Flat Earth has been a fringe lunacy for thousands of years. In the 1800s it became popular for religious reasons and most flat Earthers today are actually creationists trying to dress up their beliefs as science.