I’m talking about this sort of thing. Like clearly I wouldn’t want someone to see that on my phone in the office or when I’m sat on a bus.

However there seems be a lot of these that aren’t filtered out by nsfw settings, when a similar picture of a woman would be, so it seems this is a deliberate feature I might not be understanding.


  • @leftzero
    3 months ago

    I have no control over that. Neither does anyone else.


    Is someone forcing you to browse the everything tab at gunpoint, or blackmailing you into browsing it‽

    Because if not, you should have the self control to NOT FUCKING CLICK ON THE DAMN THING!

    If you know it might contain anything unsuitable for your current environment, just fucking WAIT to browse it until you’re in an environment where it will be suitable!

    It’s not fucking rocket surgery, for fuck’s sake, just have some fucking self control!

    Oh, it makes me mad!

    • @[email protected]
      53 months ago

      When I say I don’t have control over that, you know I mean that I am not in control of the feed or what is in it. Jesus. Can we not pretend that I am in control of what is posted to social media? Because you know this isn’t necessarily about self control. If it were news sites and broadcasters wouldn’t get in trouble for what they show.

      • @leftzero
        33 months ago

        Again: No one is forcing you to use the damn site at work. You know the site might have content unsuitable for your work, therefore you should know you shouldn’t be browsing it at work. You can wait and do something else. Anything else. That’s all the control you need.

        And if you are unable to have this minimum amount of self control, then any consequences you suffer are entirely your fault and no one else’s. Don’t try to blame other people for your shortcomings.

        news sites and broadcasters wouldn’t get in trouble for what they show

        What in fuck’s name are you talking about? Other than probably you for being unable to stop browsing unsuitable content at work, who the fuck is getting in trouble?

        • @[email protected]
          23 months ago

          Sounds like you want the NSFW tag removed altogether. I find it useful. You don’t. Change your settings to not blur NSFW posts and stop getting mad at people who use it.

    • @[email protected]
      33 months ago

      You seem to be really cross about people wanting to use the completely optional Not Suitable For Work filtering and/or blurring features to help them curate their feed to make it Suitable For Work.

      I think you need to realise that not everyone on the internet has the same priorities as you, and if you want to only browse lemmy away from work and you want to see things folks consider NSFW then that’s great - go ahead. Absolutely fine. Just tick the boxes on your settings and then it literally doesn’t affect you at all. You can hand-curate your feed to your heart’s content.

      But please let those of us who want to use the optional NSFW feature use it in peace and please stop shouting at people who disagree with you.

      • @leftzero
        43 months ago

        We’re on a thread about whether certain pictures should be marked “NSFW” or not.

        A subject on which, as is both obvious to anyone who doesn’t have their head up their own arse and evidenced by this very same thread, no agreement is possible. An objective demonstration of why this tagging nonsense not only doesn’t work, but can’t possibly ever work.

        You might as well be discussing about whether it’s better to use the western horoscope or the Chinese one to decide which threads are “suitable for work”.

        And I’m sorry, but this kind of wilful stupidly just fucking irks me to no end.

        • @[email protected]
          33 months ago

          I don’t get your problem. You like to filter by community or whatever, and I like to use the NSFW filtering. We’re different. Why get cross about it?