• Icalasari
          663 months ago

          Punching fascists does not make you a fascist. This is a dumb rhetoric - Tolerance of intolerance was always a trick used by fascists and other evil people to allow this crap to flourish

          Now, saying people are fascists for wanting to punch a fascist in the face… THAT is something that makes me wonder

            • Icalasari
              343 months ago

              Being a cherry doesn’t make you meat

              See? I can completely miss the point and do a non sequitur too

              Like how you glossed over the whole part of it mentioning that he is part of the far right faction

              • John Richard
                3 months ago

                Weird… I didn’t know that everyone to ever attend Hillsdale was a Jan. 6 insurrectionist. So what do you suggest? Do you want to get the registration of every student and punch them in the face to show them how anti-fascist you are?

                • Icalasari
                  3 months ago

                  Iunno, you want to stop trying to talk in circles and twisting things constantly?

                  Honestly, this is just amusing me at this point, everybody sees through your bs

                  • John Richard
                    23 months ago

                    No they don’t. I call out fascism as I see it and there are groups of anarcho-democrats that are fascists. If you don’t want to appear as a fascist, then run for office & get people to vote for you. You can’t go around punching people in the face if they don’t vote for you and claim you are anti-fascist.

            • @[email protected]
              203 months ago

              Not voting has a higher probably of affecting leftist votes, and will likely empower the conservative vote, thereby voting in Fuckface 45 who is a fascist, thru and thru, 100%.

              So “not voting” is a vote for a fascist.

              • John Richard
                33 months ago

                A majority of left-leaning people would vote and beat Trump, its just they don’t like genocidal Joe. If you want to beat the fascism you claim is inevitable you pick a strong candidate… you don’t become a fascist yourself.

                • @[email protected]
                  3 months ago

                  Not with First Past the Post voting in place. You want change? You get the alternative vote in BEFORE the general election, and ideally before primaries.

                  Doing a protest vote now is literally throwing in the towel and letting Fuckface 45 win.


                  • John Richard
                    23 months ago

                    You do realize at this point a majority of Americans are voting for Trump over Biden. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can plan a different candidate before the convention that will beat Trump.

          • John Richard
            33 months ago

            Well, you believe what you want. You can tell the cops all about it when you start punching people that you believe to be the fascist… or you can advocate that Democrats pick a winning candidate to beat Trump. Even if Trump wins, you can participate and run in your local and state governments to help protect the rule of law without punching people to try to force their votes.

            • @[email protected]
              153 months ago

              Art. 20 IV of the German constitution roughly: “the democracy is armed. Any citizen has the right to defend it if so necessary”

              • John Richard
                23 months ago

                You’re responding to an article about American politics. Germany also prohibits free speech about genocide in Israel, so you’ve got that going for you. What are you doing to defend your democracy except criminalizing free speech. Sounds to me like Germany is still full of Nazis.

                • @[email protected]
                  33 months ago

                  I am entirely aware, just saying that a country, that went through what you are hopefully not going to experience, has measures for what you’re so actively trying to villainise.

                  We’ve measures to limit free speech, but we do not like many democracies in the world have a concept of free speech. We have a right to a free opinion. You are allowed to think and believe what you want. But your are not allowed to say things that can or will limit the constitutional rights of others or that of the fundamental constitutional principles. Therefor you’re not allowed to insult someone, as that is an assault on their dignity. The legitimacy and sovereignty of Isreal and of the jewish people is founding principle of the constitution hence its defense through the criminal code. But to make matters clear, I have yet to hear of any courtly proceedings regarding the opinions on the Gaza-matter. As for the unjustified shutdown of protests in relation to that, courts have already overruled those and there have been quite a few protests on the way Israel is fighting in Palestine. Do grant us a bit more leeway though as it is a bit more complicated to criticise Israel for German politicians

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              There are no “winning candidates” other than Biden at the moment, full stop.

              Cops are fascists, too. So I’ll be punching those when they protect their ilk.

              Don’t be a bootlicking child. Understand what’s actually happening in the world around you. And know that actual violence is occasionally necessary.

              Peaceful Protesting Only Works for So Long

              • John Richard
                43 months ago

                Biden is not a winning candidate. The polls show this. Democrats know this. They are planning an exist strategy for Biden. You can read about it on pretty much any news website. The only people saying Biden is somehow going to win are in denial.

                Cops can be fascist. A lot of them are. However, there are still laws in the United States that have been around for a long time. Breaking those laws to punch people that you think are fascist, which to you appears to include anyone not voting for Biden, is illegal, fascist and the mindset of a domestic terrorist organization.

                You’re the one acting like a child. Violence is rarely necessary. You are starting to sound like a Jan. 6 insurrectionist.

                Again, it sounds like you are quoting the mission statement of a domestic terrorist organization.

                  • John Richard
                    23 months ago

                    Yep, it’s like you know this thing where they do many surveys to find out who people are voting for in advance of the elections. As technology develops, so has the ability to more accurately predict and understand the election outcome in advance. I’m not sure if you’ve ever heard about them before, or know what the word means, but if you need some help understanding polling and the margin of error altogether then I’m happy to share. Most polls are focused on swing states where the election will be decided. Biden is particularly not doing well in those states:


    • themeatbridge
      393 months ago

      You’re completely right, it’s important not to punch a fascist in anger. All they will remember is the anger, and not the lesson. Try to smile while punching fascists, and add a compliment sandwich to help them understand that you’re only punching them because you care.

      • John Richard
        53 months ago

        Not voting doesn’t make you a fascist. Stage is open for you to tell me how I’m wrong.

        • themeatbridge
          363 months ago

          Get the fuck out of here with your disingenuous bullshit.

          The guy in the picture does vote. He is a fascist who supports Trump and supported the terrorist insurrection on Jan 6. Telling people not to vote is part of a coordinated disinformation campaign to help fascists win more elections.

          That’s how you’re wrong. You want to keep arguing, that just proves that you’re part of the campaign.

          • John Richard
            33 months ago

            How does he support Trump and in what way did he support the insurrection on Jan 6? I honestly don’t know. The only news article I found about it utilized @capitolhunters on Twitter as their only source who said that they are going off a mere accusation. In reading articles by Matthew Walther, it doesn’t appear that he’s ever supported Jan. 6 although it could be argued he downplayed it. However, if you read his articles he also still calls it an insurrection and doesn’t even voice support for Trump from what I can tell. He seems rather apolitical from what I’ve read thus far. Are you going to back up any of your claims with evidence or are you just here to advocate for fascists activities like punching people in the face for not voting?

            • themeatbridge
              183 months ago





              Dude is a fascist bigot who definitely voted for Trump and wrote articles in support of the insurrection. He lied in the article, saying he doesn’t vote in an effort to convince other people not to vote at all.

              • John Richard
                3 months ago

                In the links you posted, what specific statement has you convinced that he voted Trump & supported the insurrection? Furthermore, since his political stance seems to be heavily influence by Catholicism where he quotes and tries to use the Pope’s statements for his own personal guidance, wouldn’t the issue have more to do with religion overall… which the Democrats are unwilling to tax or decry as a mental illness rather than a legitimate function of society?

                • themeatbridge
                  153 months ago

                  Per my previous comment, “Get the fuck out of here with your disingenuous bullshit.”

                  • John Richard
                    33 months ago

                    Or what… you going to show me how anti-fascist you are by advocating to punch people that decide for themselves that they don’t want to vote?

            • @[email protected]OP
              123 months ago

              Dude… stop.

              Read this: and te me you still think he’s one of you…

              Then read this: and tell me he’s not a conservative.

              You’re buying into the bullshit people like this guy want you to do. And if you don’t think there aren’t people among you just like this asshole- you’re either lying to yourself, or you’re one of them.

              • John Richard
                3 months ago

                Is he right-wing or conservative? John McCain was a conservative but Democrats still respect him. I asked you to show me that he is a Trump supporter and that he was involved in the Jan. 6 insurrection… those were the claims. You have not provided anything at all to support that. It is starting to look like you judge people and things without doing any research, and really just want to be a fascist yourself.

                • @[email protected]OP
                  3 months ago

                  Wait… I judge without research? I fucking showed you what the dude is about. His Twitter account shows he supports Trump. You clearly didn’t read it- yet you stand in judgement of me?

                  Did you look him up and come back here with anything?

                  At this point- you’re here to troll. We’re done here. Seems everyone else is on to you as well so….

                  Hope you have the day you deserve, bud.

                  • John Richard
                    33 months ago

                    Where did you prove he voted for Trump? Show me the tweet or article where he says he voted for Trump.

    • @[email protected]
      53 months ago

      The guy is genuinely going for a dollar-store Hitler look (with his other actions adding to said nazi-theme) and this is your first reaction?

      • John Richard
        23 months ago

        I have no clue what the date of that image is… here is another photo of him.


        Maybe he really is a Nazi… I’m just saying, you should provide evidence beforehand. You can judge fat people too and say that they are mentally ill if you want. I’m just not the type to go around judging people without actually knowing the things i say about them are true.

        • @[email protected]
          13 months ago

          Looking back at this thread, I agree with you and I’m sorry you were treated this way. Just disregard the sheep. Downvotes don’t matter.