The other seven three color pairs are easy for me

Mardu is war

Naya is big monsters

Jeskai is USA

Jund is the food chain

Grixis is Bad guys

Temur is grow fast

Esper is sneak and connive

But the other three have no imagery/association to me. I’d be curious if anyone has an association for them similar to what I’ve listed here.

  • @[email protected]
    34 months ago

    I had a Bant Goodstuff standard deck back in SOI, so I think of it as cathars, elves and countermagic.

    The person who got me into Magic had a Prophet of Kruphix commander deck (before the ban) so I think of that creature as Sultai.

    I associate Abzan with Ajani for some reason (though he is more Naya himself), not sure why. Was that his home?