• aramis87
    136 months ago

    I’d visit all my old friends and loved ones; without letting on what’s going on, I’d tell them how much I loved them and the impact they’ve had on my life. Arrange the basics of my funeral. Get rid of a bunch of stuff that I like but will just be underfoot when they clear out my place. Organize and label family photos and videos. Stick post-its on things made by my grandparents, great-grandparents and other relatives who they can be passed on if desired. Put together that book of old family recipes. Give some things away to specific people to make sure they end up where I think they ought to go. Make arrangements for my cat, and tell her how much I love her and how much I’ll miss her, but that she’ll be okay.

    • Don_DickleOP
      46 months ago

      Yeah thanks motherfucker now I can see you in a Norman Rockwell painting doing all of that. I was going along with you until the cat part. I got a dog and would do the exact same. God Bless this answer