• @[email protected]
            45 months ago

            No it is a reference to the fake performative nature of professional wrestling. Juvenile reductive and not really applicable.

        • @[email protected]
          35 months ago

          The only ones I’ve heard using that term were equally nuts Marxist leninist. Not a good term or a good Association unfortunately.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        Recently was talking to a conservative guy about the rising fascist on the right.

        I wasn’t calling him a fascist, just pointing out that extreme views are brewing on the right and I think that could be a problem.

        He just responded with “but the left are the ones committing all the genocides”. No examples or anything to back that up.

        I honestly didn’t know how to respond. He also supports Israel so… they literally live in a different reality. They probably consume propaganda that constantly tells them the left are this terrible boogeymen.

        • @[email protected]
          65 months ago

          This is a direct results of consolidation of the media. Mass media is all owned by just a few people/groups. Who despite claims otherwise absolutely practice editorialism over what their organizations present and how they present it. It is increasingly less possible to find what passes for mainstream American left getting actual proper representation on corporate media. And actual left-wing left gets zero or negative representation. Which is all by Design. Because it serves those people and groups and not the public as a whole.

          So they realistically do live in an alternate reality. And short of taking them out of that media Echo sphere. There is nothing you individually can do to change or help that. You cannot help those who are not looking to be helped. So unless they come to you with concerns over breaking cognitive dissonance. There is basically little you can do. Other than push back respectfully or not.

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          Doublethink is real!

          Also, I’ll have him know, as a liberal, I rarely even commit one genocide a day…so…

          Note: as an ex-conservative that has been pushed to Vote Blue No Matter Who since trump, I still have a real, if tiny, physical reaction to calling myself a liberal…WHEN THE FK DOES THAT GO AWAY‽

          • @[email protected]
            25 months ago

            Just wait until a socialist slips you estrogen 😉 /jk It will take time, lots of it. As long as you’re aware of it (I also feel it when “communism” is mentioned) you’re ok. Please don’t beat yourself up over it, love.

    • AFK BRB Chocolate
      225 months ago

      It’s such a flagrant lie, too. I mean, it’s not like it’s in the realm of close, of that it depends on how you interpret the data - there are way more on the right, period.

      • @[email protected]
        95 months ago

        No, see, they are wholesome Christians who worship guns and fear mongering. They love phrases like fuck around and find out, don’t tread on me (or else), and something along the lines of this house is protected by Smith and Wesson. But Lincoln was a Republican killed by Democrats, so they are evil murderers. Please ignore that in today’s politics he would have been a far left woke Democrat killed by a Republican…

    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      In reality they aren’t true conservatives. They are a perverted and warped version that was invented to fulfill the MAGA Nazi agenda.

    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      I hate putting this out there, but my hyper conservative dad when confronted with these and other links here about RvL terrorism…“because conservatives have the conviction and drive to take action!”

      cant. win. JFC